by SON OF A BUSH - Open-Publishing - Tuesday 4 March 2014

I often wonder how our Journalistic Prostitutes feel coming home from a hard days labour .... Their work is certainly no Labour of Love ......It’s a Labour of Lies ..... Sexual prostitutes earn their keep by lying with strangers .....A very tough life to be sure .....But far more honourable in practice to what our pseudo-journalist class of self-important blowhards do to secure their splendorous lives ..... They lie to strangers - the entire world in fact .......Case in point : Their coverage of the Ukraine Crisis is perhaps the most disgraceful, deceitful episode that I , a middle-aged white man , have witnessed in my lifetime ...... Promiscuous use of the Big Lie Technique is so rampant that any casual consumer of the mainstream media must surely believe Vladimir Putin orchestrated this mess ......They harrumph fiction and do so with relish .... They’re sick....... They Lie with impunity , spreading a staggering farrago of deception ...Stuff such as this .... Putin must be stopped ..... He is annexing Ukraine cause he’s a bad guy and you know them Ruskies are spawn of the Devil ........How dare this fiend Putin attack Ukraine and interfere in her internal affairs, violate her sovereignty .....This is the Rape of Ukraine ! .... ......Back in the real world , it was the US/UK/Israel trifecta of terror that overthrew a legitimately elected government whose Presidential nominee,- the elected President- received 48 % in general elections held in 2010 ........Who have the Freedom loving West designated to lead "Democratic " Ukraine ? ..... Well he’s that warm and Fuzzy Nazi who received just 7% of the vote in that same 2010 presidential referendum .......Have the prostitutes told you their installed "George Washington of Ukraine" had virtually no support from the people in 2010 and his fellow Fascist monsters less so after the 2012 Parliamentary elections .. ...........How do these scribblers live with themselves ? ... How do they look into the eyes of their innocent children who playfully greet them upon their return from work ? ...... Is it worth it to betray all for temporal pleasures and fleeting fame ? .... Is it worth it to justify the imperial wars where so many innocents are slain - often loving little creatures - many the identical age as your own ? What does it to profit a man to gain the entire world but lose his soul .?..........Media scoundrels .........Do you take your ill-gotten gain and drowned out the reality of what you have become by smoking crack ? ..... If so, the relief is fleeting , the addiction grows like a malignant cancer ...The addiction to the pipe, the addiction to power and fame spread faster still ......... At the end there is nothing , no love of oneself or friends or family ... ...No pride at the end for a life well-lived ..... The life of a prostitute selling one’s mind, one’s essential life-force, is a tough one indeed ......