Home > Disaster Draws Nigh : A Great Choice Beckons

Disaster Draws Nigh : A Great Choice Beckons

by SON OF A BUSH - Open-Publishing - Tuesday 15 April 2014

Let’s cut to the Chase (Manhattan ) my fellow citizens of the World ... Our financial system exists no more .....After the passage of the repeal of Glass- Stegal Act during the dying days of the blackmailed Clinton Administration , the bankster criminal class made the fateful and disastrous decision to create deriviatives tied to what precious little physical assets still existed in the United States and Europe -..... They hawked them to people all around the world - as well as their hapless, defrauded clients while simultaneously short-selling these worthless instruments in their private, custodial accounts.......Nice Guys , HuH ? These papers were worthless , yet were sold over and over again to parties hither ,yither and yon . The criminal bankers knew, in so doing , they would trigger a financial crisis in 2008 that would lead to to mass unemployment and the destruction of their own august institutions .....But that meant little because they were "too big to fail " and they knew "their" Federal Reserve would cover their gambling debts- and then some for good measure ...... The great masses would simply lose their house , and job , and in most case their families to the mean streets of America where the main cash cows are prostitution , illicit gun sales, and child trafficking ....... But n rently the debt collecting vultures have had a rare rendez-vous with reality .... They know the present scam will produce another crisis - 2 to 5 times greater in intensity... than it’s relatively forbear 6 years ago They also know and are greatly disturbed with the knowledge the American people people have no stomach for more war or very easily recognized the false flag faux terror attack that invariable precedes it ...The WAR card intended to distract the people and revifify the dying worldwide economic corpse won’t fly with anyone - save the lunatics lead by Leading lunatic john Hagee........Facts are stubborn things and when it comes down to the hard facts We are forced to conclude to our nation’s money center banks "have no viable assets " In other words there is no there is " no there there " We have a doughnut economy ... The banksters are planning to steal the dough by impoverishing nuts willing to settle for the hole .... The US Economy has degenerated into one part Madoff , one part Enron . and one part Monopoly Game ...... Once this recognition reaches the masses, they will be told the Banks will simply steal their life’s savings , 10% per annum ,until all is gone .......This not mere fear-mongering .....The Federal Reserve has received this plan and have pledged every "good-faith " attempt to make good on this looting of the American people .......WE can be assured ..the controlled Press will extol the so called "Bail -in process " as a necessary solution to the greed and indebtedness wrought by a profligate American society ......Not a discouraging world will be heard from the bankster’s propaganda arm , the Mainstream media The innocent victims will be skewered while the wild men in 3 piece suits whose unchecked gambling lead us to this evil day will be praised as courageous far-sighted men making the "Tough Choices " neccessary to stave off even worse horrors lying ahead ....Then the American people will face the CHOICE : Will the people accept their debt surfdom quietly- in exchange for better food allotments and free tickets to sporting events or take to the streets and roust the oligarchs from their posh estates bought and maintained through by what’s left of THEIR stolen savings and pension plans ......... The American people who heretofore who have deigned themselves too delicate and civilized to engage in grubby street protest will have to get off their fat asses if real change is to become a reality ......Otherwise , the gangsters will laugh off the sight of the sameold group that always show up at the rally dujour - spouting progressive shibboleths to little or no effect .......We need the working people , the professionals , Christians , Muslim and athiest salike to stand as one ...... NO MORE USURY . We must seek a New Agenda for a New America including swift implementation of these and other key proposals 1) No more private banking ...2).NO More IMF loan-sharking ....3 ).No More Government Liscensing of mainstream radio and TV stations...4 ) ..NO MORE OUT - Souring OF AMERICAN Jobs ......5 ) A living wage for all full-time workers .....6 ) .Forgiveness of all outstanding college student debt and 7 )the creation of millions of new high payimg jobs created by rebuilding the nation’s crumbling infrastructure- targeting areas of highest unemployment and greatest poverty ..... The steps referenced above would be merely the baby steps of a NEW Peaceful , Glorious Society that places the dagger once and for all upon the evils of Empire . Surveillance , and the uniquely American proclivity to carry out wanton violence , with no apparent conscience ,on those dwindling number of brave people seeking an independent way from the purveyors of public policy poison - the gargoyles, witches and vampires controlling Wall Street , The City of London , NATO , and the worst offender of all , the Jewish State of Israel ...... A Declaration of Independence