by SON OF A BUSH - Open-Publishing - Monday 16 June 2014

Have you heard the latest News ? A new Islamist group has made a lightning quick strike on Iranian ally , Iraq ...The new Leader of these militants has emerged , Abu Bakr al- Baghdadi ......They call him the "New Bin Laden": The most dangerous terrorist in the word ...Funny thing , ISIS is being lead ,victualized and armed by a Saudi Royal prince , the Turks , the French and no doubt the US and their footmen , The Zionists ........... When ISIS was in Syria raping, pillaging and kiling every non-Sunni l in sight , they were also being aided by the very same band of characters .... In Syria they were hailed as freedom fighters ...... In Iraq the depredations of same gang are widely pilloried by the neoconservative cabal who covertly supports ! ............The neocon demonization of their secret chum-chums owes to the fact that these Zionist madmen want the US in one of their insane wars Bomb Syria and Iraq.......Leave Iran isolated - then they receive the Final Solution ., punishment for their non-existent nuclear bomb production program......There two intersecting causes in latest statecraft aptly named ,"Operation Madness" ......The Saudis i, the Turks , and the other Western-controlled Gulf States are funding ISIS to 1 ), drag Iran into another disastrous Iraq-Iran Civil War 2 ) Inveigle Obama to destroy Syria through a massive US air campaign against the duly elected government of Syria , President Basher-El- Assad .........Iran is in quite a quandry ....Come to the support of Iraq and get entrapped in a quagmire not dissimilar to the straits the US faced while bogged in the bloody sands of Iraq .......Do nothing and the US/Turk/Saudi terrorists take over Iraq and Iran faces a horde of pyschotic madmen running a so called government on their backdoor.......ISIS is the catspaw of the West - mainly I refer to neocon freaks who would rather see the whole world destroyed rather than let Iran live in peace .........As for the Israelis , they concluded a criminal tripartite pact of Scum with Dick Cheney, and Saudi Prince Bandar Bush in the late 80’s .......Their goal was as vile as it was simple .......Set the Mideast ablaze by funding Sunni extremists ordering through their Saudi bitch-hounds to make and foment war for war’s sake ..... The Israelis are hell bent to divide and destroy all of Islam by creating sectarian warfare between the Shia and the Sunni ...... It was not just the enemies of Israel and the US that we’re targeted ....US -Israel front groups , such as the Pakistan Taliban and Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula were armed to the teeth , tasked with destroying Mosques and other religious shrines ....... With each branch of Islam blaming the other for a crime committed by Western mercenaries ......The West has become so degenerate in supporting groups like ISIS , they regularly release from their jails it’s future leaders , by first "radicalizing "them in a Saudi-controlled mind-control program ,, second , send them on their way with a Western Press contingent in tow preparing copy describing the zombie as the "Greatest Menace of Our Times" - Father of a future Nuclear 9/11 ........