Home > Video may be linked to missing explosives in Iraq

Video may be linked to missing explosives in Iraq

by Open-Publishing - Friday 29 October 2004
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Edito Wars and conflicts International

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A 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS crew in Iraq shortly after the fall of Saddam Hussein
was in the area where tons of explosives disappeared, and may have videotaped
some of those weapons.

The missing explosives are now an issue in the presidential debate. Democratic
candidate John Kerry is accusing President Bush of not securing the site they
allegedly disappeared from. President Bush says no one knows if the ammunition
was taken before or after the fall of Baghdad on April 9, 2003 when coalition
troops moved in to the area.

Using GPS technology and talking with members of the 101st Airborne Division, 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS has determined the crew embedded with the troops may have been on the southern edge of the Al Qaqaa installation, where the ammunition disappeared. The news crew was based just south of Al Qaqaa, and drove two or three miles north of there with soldiers on April 18, 2003.

During that trip, members of the 101st Airborne Division showed the 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS news crew bunker after bunker of material labelled "explosives." Usually it took just the snap of a bolt cutter to get into the bunkers and see the material identified by the 101st as detonation cords.

"We can stick it in those and make some good bombs." a soldier told our crew.

There were what appeared to be fuses for bombs. They also found bags of material men from the 101st couldn’t identify, but box after box was clearly marked "explosive."

In one bunker, there were boxes marked with the name "Al Qaqaa", the munitions plant where tons of explosives allegedly went missing.

Once the doors to the bunkers were opened, they weren’t secured. They were left open when the 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS crew and the military went back to their base.

"We weren’t quite sure what were looking at, but we saw so much of it and it didn’t appear that this was being secured in any way," said photojournalist Joe Caffrey. "It was several miles away from where military people were staying in their tents".

Officers with the 101st Airborne told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS that the bunkers were within the U.S. military perimeter and protected. But Caffrey and former 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS Reporter Dean Staley, who spent three months together in Iraq, said Iraqis were coming and going freely.

"At one point there was a group of Iraqis driving around in a pick-up truck,"Staley said. "Three or four guys we kept an eye on, worried they might come near us."

On Wednesday, 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS e-mailed still images of the footage taken at the site to experts in Washington to see if the items captured on tape are the same kind of high explosives that went missing in Al Qaqaa. Those experts could not make that determination.

The footage is now in the hands of security experts to see if it is indeed the explosives in question.


Forum posts

  • The video has been confirmed to show the breaking of an IAEA seal, and the drums and boxes shown are confirmed to be HMX/RHX.
    IAEA seals were only put on bunkers containing these explosives.
    David Kay confirmed all of this on CNN.