Home > Coincidence! Major quake exactly 1 year ago

Coincidence! Major quake exactly 1 year ago

by Open-Publishing - Thursday 30 December 2004


Is it just a striking coincidence?

The 9.0 killer earthquake in Asia that unleashed tsunamis killing tens of thousands followed exactly one year to the hour after the Bam, Iran, earthquake that killed 26,000.

On Dec. 26, 2003, a 6.6 quake hit the ancient city of Bam in Iran. While the quake was much smaller than the one that struck near the island of Sumatra Sunday, its epicenter was directly under the city.

On Dec. 26, 2004, the 9.0 quake struck in South Asia. While the death toll will be much higher, most of the destructiveness was the result of the giant waves triggered by the earth’s movement under the India Ocean.

The 2003 quake hit at 01:56:52 UTC, while the 2004 quake struck at 00:58:55 UTC - exactly one year, 58 minutes apart.


Forum posts

  • Now, that is definitely a head scratcher.

  • Interesting that Joe Farah of World Net Daily, the same guy who co-authored a book with Rush Limbaugh - should pose the provocative question, "Is it just a striking coincidence?" He seems to share the same general suspicion that was voiced in a recent BellaCiao article, whose author posed some highly speculative and amusing assertions as to the man-made cause of both events.

    Anyway, before the possible arrival of the HAARPoids here, I’d like to point out the following facts - for the record.

    On 12/26/1932, an earthquake in Kansu, China killed 70,000 people.

    On 12/26/1939, an earthquake in East Anatolia, Turkey killed 35,000 people.

    And, missing the mark by just two days, on 12/28/1908, an earthquake in Messina Italy killed 80,000 people.

    What does this all mean? Nothing except for the fact that, globally, there are a lot of earthquakes and some of them, over time, occur on the same day.

    • To echo these comments, I’ve crunched the numbers, and the odds of this happening are roughy 1:750. Totally within the realm of possibility as being a coincidental occurance.

    • Man Made Quakes Knowledge since the early 1930’s
      Suppressed Research: Tesla Technologies

      Born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Nicola Tesla is one of this century’s greatest scientists. A prodigious inventor of electronic devices and pioneer of free energy, Tesla never gained the recognition he deserved because his scientific breakthroughs were deemed to ‘sensitive’ by the ruling corporate and government powers of the day. Thus much of his research was suppressed and stolen.

      In a book entitled Tesla – The Lost Inventions, a section is titled “Man-Made Earthquake”. It discloses Tesla’s fascination with the power of resonance and he experimented with it not only electrically but on the mechanical plane as well. In his Manhattan, USA lab, Tesla built mechanical vibrators and tested their powers. One experiment got out of hand.

      Tesla attached a powerful little vibrator driven by compressed air to a steel pillar. Leaving it there, he went about his business. Meanwhile, down the street, a violent quaking built up, shaking down plaster, bursting plumbing, cracking windows, and breaking heavy machinery off its anchorages.

      Tesla’s vibrator had found the resonant frequency of a deep sandy layer of subsoil beneath his building, setting off a small earthquake. Soon Tesla’s own building began to quake. It is reported that just as the police broke into his lab, Tesla was seen smashing the device with a sledge hammer, the only way he could promptly stop it.

      In a similar experiment, on an evening walk through the city, Tesla attached a battery powered vibrator, described as being the size of an alarm clock, to the steel framework of a building under construction. He adjusted it to a suitable frequency and set the structure into resonant vibration.

      The structure shook, and so did the earth under his feet. Tesla later boasted he could shake down the Empire State Building with such a device. If this claim was not extravagant enough, he went on to say a large-scale resonant vibration was capable of splitting the earth in half.

      An article from the 11 July, 1935 issue of the New York American entitled ‘Tesla’s Controlled Earthquakes’, stated Tesla’s “experiments in transmitting mechanical vibrations through the earth – called by him ‘the art of telegeodynamics’ – were roughly described by the scientists as a sort of controlled earthquake.”

      The article quotes Tesla as stating:

      The rhythmical vibrations pass through the earth with almost no loss of energy. It becomes possible to convey mechanical effects to the greatest terrestrial distances and produce all kinds of unique effects. The invention could be used with destructive effect in war

    • This is baloney. A jackhammer can be viewed as an "earthquake" machine. Even stamping one’s foot can cause the earth to quake, if ever so slightly. What are you trying to say, anyway? Was it Stalin, Roosevelt, Mussolini, etc. or some evil Dr. No who caused the quakes of 1932 and 1939? Are you saying that all post-Tesla era forces of nature at work are really man-made phenomena?

      Or, are there natural earthquakes and man-made ones? And, if so, are you choosing to pick those "man-made" ones to fit your political agenda?

      With this kind of "reasoning," is it any wonder why some elements of the "left" are viewed as tinfoil hat wearing nitwits?

      You would be on much firmer ground by choosing Poseidon as your Deus Ex Machina.

  • No coincidence, it’s God. You can choose not to believe it if you want, but its true. There was a prophecy made that said "at the end of 2004, God will send a wave, and all of Gods apostles and prophets will change for better or worse." All of Gods prophets and apostles did change, and the wave did come, so it had to be true.

    Not only that, as it is mentioned, the tsunami was caused by a quake, so both times it was a quake. Not sure how this fits in, though.

    Put simply, a loving God can, could and does have people taken from this earth. Why? Because justice is a form of love. God creates the Spirit, and then it’s up to us to decide where we go, so when God sends this wave, which was the tsunami, He doesn’t lose any Spirits, for it is our choice where we go, not His.

    The main thing is that the deaths, the 150,000 sacrificial lambs are a message to us that it is not terrorism that is sovereign, not humans, but God is sovereign.

    These people all thought they had a future, and then it was gone from them. Matthew 24 says to "be ready for the Day." This means that we need to think about it. If we believe and we reach the end of our life and God doesn’t exist, what have we lost? But if we don’t believe and we find out at the end of our life that God does exist, then there are consequences, for good people do not go to heaven, only people who are saved go to heaven (Romans 10:9).

    To finish, the question that God is trying to get us to ask ourselves is "where do we stand with Jesus?" Because we never know when the Day will come, when our future will be taken from us by our loving God.

    • Why aren’t dinosaurs, that were around for millions and millions of years, mentioned anywhere in the bible ? Were they invisible ?