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Christian Leaders Urge Congress to Reject Bush Budget

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 9 March 2005

Economy-budget Religions-Beliefs USA

Joint Statement: Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian,
Church of Christ and Methodist Churches

We are preachers, and so, in explaining our opposition to the 2006 Federal Budget that President Bush has sent to Congress, it seems only fitting that we should begin with Scripture.

There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who longed to satisfy his hunger with what fell from the rich man’s table; even the dogs would come and lick his sores. The poor man died and was carried away by the angels to be with Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, where he was being tormented, he looked up and saw Abraham far away with Lazarus by his side. He called out, "Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am in agony in these flames"

The passage comes from 16th chapter of the Gospel according to Luke, and it contains a warning that should deeply trouble those of us who live in a wealthy nation. As the story continues, the rich man implores Abraham to raise Lazarus from the dead and send him to the house of his brothers so that they may be spared his torment.

"They have Moses and the prophets," Abraham replies. "They should listen to them." The rich man says, "No, father Abraham; but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent." And Abraham answers, "If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced even if someone rises from the dead. In telling this story, Jesus makes clear that perpetrating economic injustice is among the gravest of sins. Yet self-interest is so deeply ingrained in each one of us, he says, that we will not renounce it, even should someone rise from the dead. Jesus was right about that. It was he who rose from the dead to save us from greed and myriad other sins. Yet those who have much continue feasting, even as those who have little remain at their gates.

Like many Americans, we read our daily newspaper through the lens of faith, and when we see injustice, it is our duty to say so. The 2006 Federal Budget that President Bush has sent to Capitol Hill is unjust. It has much for the rich man and little for Lazarus. According to the White House’s own numbers, this budget would move 300,000 people off food stamps in the next five years. It would cut the funds that allow 300,000 children to receive day care. It would reduce funding for Medicaid by $45 billion over the next ten years, and this at a time when 45 million Americans-the highest level on record-are already without health insurance.

These cuts would be alarming in any circumstances, but in the context of the 2006 budget, they are especially troubling. For even as it reduces aid to those in poverty, this budget showers presents on the rich. If passed in its current form, it would make permanent tax cuts that have bestowed nearly three-quarters of the "relief" on one-fifth of the county. If passed in its current form, it would include whopping new cuts that would benefit, almost exclusively, those with household incomes of more than $200,000 per year. If passed in its current form, it would take Jesus’ teaching on economic justice and stands it on its head.

Some contend that these cuts will stimulate the economy and improve life for all Americans, but we believe that stocking the rich man’s larder is a peculiar strategy for getting Lazarus more food. Not only does this policy rest on dubious economic assumptions, but it asks the poor to pay the cost for a prosperity in which they may never share.

Some contend that works of mercy are not the business of the government but of private citizens. But in what other area of our national life do we formulate policies uninformed by our deepest values?

Some contend that with the proper support faith-based charities will step forward to fill the gap created by the government’s retreat. But this flies in the face of the lessons that we, as religious leaders, have learned first hand. Our churches operate thousands of charities from the parochial to the international. Believe us when we tell you that neither we, nor our Evangelical brothers and sisters, nor our friends of other faiths have anywhere near the resources to turn back the rising tide of poverty in this country. We know that programs, whether governmental or non-profit, can change people’s lives for the better. New situations challenge us to respond to new conditions and to support those who are in transition out of poverty. Sadly, the 2006 budget will send more people searching for food in cupboards that, quite frequently, are bare.

Our churches will continue their ameliorative ministries. But it is not enough for us as a Church or a society to be merciful. We must remember the admonition of the prophet Micah. "And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah’s choice of verbs is instructive. We are not to love justice or preach justice, we are to do justice-to act, and, when necessary, to struggle.

We urge the members of our churches, of other churches and other faiths, and all whose conscience compels them to do justice to join us in opposing this budget. Write to your representatives. Write to your local newspaper. Join the organizations working to obtain justice for the 36 million Americans living below the poverty line, the 45 million without health insurance and the unknown millions struggling to keep their families from slipping into these ever increasing ranks.

Together, let us pledge ourselves to creating a nation in which economic policies are infused with the spirit of the man who began his public ministry almost 2,000 years ago by proclaiming that God had anointed him "to bring good news to the poor."

Signed by:

The Most Reverend Frank T. Griswold
Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church, USA

The Right Reverend Mark Hanson
Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American

The Reverend Dr. Clifton Kirkpatrick
Stated Clerk of the General Assembly, Presbyterian Church, (U.S.A.)

The Reverend John H. Thomas
General Minister and President, United Church of Christ

Mr. James Winkler
General Secretary, General Board of Church and Society,
United Methodist Church


Forum posts

  • As one of the unemployed, disabled and insured, I thank you for your statement of faith. If you look further into the cuts proposed, you will see even greater injustice. Bush never has anything to say about the Sermon on the Mount, it doesn’t fit his philosophy of class warfare and it was spoken, not only from the spirit but, from the heart. These tax cuts are not about balancing anything, especially not the U.S. debt that W has incurred. He will never pay off a dime of this debt, yet the Congressional repubs. are attacking the bankruptcy laws and cannot even find it in their hearts to restructure the laws for the men and women who they have sent to fight their wars. Find the $9 billion missing and these budget cuts could disappear; they only represent a token $6.5 billion anyway. What about the 100% difference between the "defense" budget and that for all social programs?

    I hope this article finds it’s way to the commericial media and into all the Christian journals.

  • Sen. Harry Reid got the message from these reverends and released a statement on the budget...

    "Mr. President, earlier this week, I met with a group of Ministers from a host of Protestant denominations. They were very concerned about the budget, and shared with me a story from the Gospel of Luke about a rich man and the poor man who lived at his gates named Lazarus. In life, the rich man lived a grand life and paid no attention to the poor man, refusing to come to his aid. But in death, it was Lazarus who went to Heaven and the rich men who suffered in Hell.

    Their purpose in telling me the story was to point out the immorality of turning a blind eye to economic injustice. And they wanted to make a larger point about the Bush 2006 Budget, which, as they put it, has “much for the rich man and Little for Lazarus.”

    For example, the President’s budget cuts health care for our most vulnerable citizens. The budget would cut Medicaid, which ensures that more than 50 million children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disabilities have access to the medical services they need. At the same time, the budget maintains a large slush fund for HMO’s. Is that right?

    The President’s budget also calls for cutting education. More than 48 education programs would be affected, with cuts exceeding $1 billion. So our kids will suffer. At the same time, the budget calls for opening up a precious wilderness area in Alaska for the oil and gas industry. Is that right?

    The budget cuts benefits for veterans. Yes, the men and women who have served our nation with such bravery and courage – the people who have put their lives on the line on behalf of their nation – they’re going to have to pay more for their health care. At the same time, the Administration wants to protect drug industry profits by denying Medicare the right to bargain for lower prices. Is that right?"
