Home > The $3 Trillion Scam: An Economic 9-11?

The $3 Trillion Scam: An Economic 9-11?

by Open-Publishing - Monday 25 April 2005

Police - Repression Economy-budget Attack-Terrorism USA

An Economic 9-11?

An interesting story
appeared briefly a few days ago. Two men were arrested with three
trillion (with a "t") in fake
US Federal Reserve Negotiable Certificates, sometimes called "bearer
bonds". What is interesting about the story is how the US Mainstream
media pretty
much ignored the whole thing. Considering the non-stop coverage given
the Michael Jackson molestation trial, the avoidence of a story of a
three trillion dollar crime called attention to itself.

Details of the story are sketchy. Acting on a tip, Philippine
police arrested two men in the process of paying for a shipment of some
iron boxes to Zurich. Upon opening the boxes, police discovered what
was first reported to be Federal Reserve notes, then later corrected to
"certificates", totaling three trillion dollars. The two arrested men
were released on bail, warrants issued for two other men involved in
the crime... and there the story ends.


Three trillion dollars, even in fake money, should be a huge
story. And, for much of the foreign press, it has been. But here in the
US, the story is over before it has begun.

So, what was such a huge amount of counterfeit money intended
for in Zurich? Normally, currency counterfeiters sell their product
through a large distributed chain of passers, who will pay some
fraction of the face value of the currency, then spend it in stores,
etc. But counterfeit beaerer bonds headed for Zurich
strongly suggest the destination was a bank.

So, what happens when three trillion shows up all at one time?
At the very least, three trillion dollars worth of paper dumped into
the US economy at one time would trigger a sudden inflationary spiral;
the usual result of too much cash chasing too few goods and services.
Three trillion dollars in bonds
presented for redemption through the banks in Zurich could trigger a
run on the Federal Reserve itself, as even the Federal Reserve does not
keep that kind of cash or even gold reserves at hand. Since the bonds
were fakes, the ultimate mastermind could care less if the "money" was
lost, and anyone willing to "lose" three trillion dollars
in just the right way could bring down the entire US stock market.

George Bush and his neocons need a "terrorist" attack to
justify the invasion of Iran, and a staged economic terrorist attack,
executed from behind the anonymity of the Swiss Banks would be ideal.
Blame for the crash of the US eocnomy could be shifted onto a scapegoat
such as Iran, and off of the Congress that has borrowed this nation
into ruin over the decades. The infamous FEMA Executive Orders, the
means by which the nation can be turned into a legal dictatorship,
include an economic crisis among the list of conditions under which the
President can suspend the Constitution.

Three trillion in fake Federal Reserve Certificates could do
huge damage to the nation, yet the mainstream media that screams
"terrorism" everytime a taxicab backfires in Bahgdad has
totally buried this story.


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Forum posts

  • Why the MSM blackout? Because it doesn’t help their cause, which is the gov cause, which is the few that make up the true leaders of America and most nations.

    I don’t think they were meant to be caught, arrogant people always give themselzes away.

    PS, Look out for something to happen around Portland, they won’t allow the Patriot act to be in full force there. They stood up today and fought for their citisen’s rights to speak against the gov and religion. And said no to the FBI and state police investigating it’s citisens for bogus things.

  • Good point. The Fed a privately owned bank which also issues dollars has no knowledge or control about the quantity of money which was issued on various occasions.
    We know f. e. that more then 5 trillion dollars are in Swiss banks - privately owned and in "wealth management" trusts.
    Everybody who has lived in different countries on earth and does the shopping in America tells you that the inflation is growing and not only because of the oil prices. The stock market and employees have to make up bull stories of all kind like: consumer trust, unemployment, oil price or political movements in other countries etc..

    The bubble will one day blast!

  • The original story from The Manila Times is here:

    2 Brits nabbed with $3 trillion in fake US fed notes

    The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) on Thursday said it has arrested two British nationals with $3 trillion fake US federal bank notes in their possession, DZMM reported.


    But nothing else on Google.

    $3 Trillion. That’s some change.

    Maybe they were going to dispense it $1 Trillion at a time.

    No one would notice then.??????????

  • To Zurich no less? Wow!

    Ah yes, perhaps the fine hand of Mr. George Soros and his global brotherhood of meat eaters. Two years ago, He announced that he was heavily short the American dollar, Berkshire Hathaway likewise announcing "dollar diversification." Soros has said he and his global financial capitals cohort could and would bring down the greenback. I have been waiting for the other shoe to drop.

    We take them seriously. They have caused devaluations in Middle Europe and in Asia. They successfully shorted the British Pound in the early 1990’s, pulling it down and out of the Euro Exchange Rate machinery. In the process Soros gained hundred of millions of dollars and became what the newspapers came to call the "Man who broke the Bank of England."

    These guys would have something to gain. I assume they are still short the dollar. They sure don’t want to have to cover. Some kind of enormous bad dollar news story would be great for them, and they might even pile on if they thought it would tip over. What fun.

    So assuming that the counterfeit 3 (t)rillion NUMBER is not in Philippine Pesos, but denominated in US Dollars, I think perhaps some sort of trigger mechanism. But you can bet Georgie Georgie’s finger prints are nowhere to be found.

    v/r Delightful