Home > Atomic Weapons purpose is the Enslave the Worker through FEAR of Death to (...)

Atomic Weapons purpose is the Enslave the Worker through FEAR of Death to Corp. CAPITALISM.

by Open-Publishing - Friday 3 June 2005

Nuclear Wars and conflicts Trade-Exchange Rates

World War II was created to drive to opposing working groups into self destruction economically and to at the same time build an atomin weapon to insure that the money dominant oligarchy could destroy at their whim any possible threat to their world power and domination. As social ideals of equality and justice grew so did the fear in the upper class that they would eventually loose money and power and thus have to submit to a system where their politcial power and financial domination would end.

In order to prevent that from happening they needed a weapon of such incredible power and destruction that mearly the possesion and potential use of such would produce such a FEAR and SUBMISSION in the minds of people that they would submit their political will to those that posses it.

Yes the stories of the Nazis building the bomb were true but what is most important to understand was not that it was to STOP DESPOTISM of NAZISM but it WAS BUILT by its corporation backers to insure that the financial corporation would RULE THE WORLD FOREVER and be able slowly to make the entire world submit to CAPITALISM and the dominant rule of corporations. It was to establish the rule of LAW BY MONEY FOREVER and to enslave those without money to those that HAVE THE BOMB and the BANK on their side.

In this way today countries like North Korea, Iran, India, or Pakistan and others are not just so called rogue states with the A Bomb but are attempting to be, or are already, equaly players in the WAR OF THE WORLD for TOTAL HUMAN DOMINATION through the power of death by the bomb and the dependency of the entire socail fabric of humanity upon the use of money.

Thus the primary reason of military build up in the US and the so called coalition of the willing is to establish through the POWER of Nuclear weapons, financial influence total domination of the entire socail landscape including the power of people in government, the working conditions of human beings that perform human labor or services, and the ability of anyone not part of the elite class of A bomb users a potential slave of them and their devices.

Yes human ideals have been replaced with human fears of death and through this fear the oligarchy of money and power will rule the earth forever. It is only a matter of time because of social conditions that one of the A bomb nations will "find a convient terrorist excuse" to "use the bomb" thus SENDING THE MESSAGE to the REST OF US that you either SUBMIT to your slave masters capitalistic ways and accept psychosocial domination and human slavery OR DIE a nuclear or other WMD death.

Yes the use of money as a social vechicle of interchange and human intercourse has led us to this place and to escape this stupid and self deluded ending we must STRIVE to TEACH PEACE, LIVE PEACE, and DESTROY money and its CAPITALISTIC systems which can only lead to self indulgent behavoirs of stupid arrogance and false power only bringing ruin to humanity and the earth.

destroy money. create peace.

Check out this work by George Orwell and his thoughts on this important subject:


The above was written in 1945 and it was censored and down played by the media back then.

Forum posts

  • Funny, I thought World War II happened because some guy called Hitler was trying to take over Europe and Russia. My bad.

  • Fear and more Fear, but not take on real issues, that is how politic works nowadays.

  • Where do you come up with this stuff?

    OK, let’s play your game.....

    Teach Peace
    Get rid of Money

    What’s the plan then, Einstein?

    How do people get fed?
    How do we build hospitals?
    Do we all go back and live in caves? Peaceful caves all the same?
    Who takes care of those who can’t take care of themselves?

    And, once your dream comes true, and the US is no longer,
    who does the world come to for help? You?

    • Well that is a good question. The plan will be revealed when the money system has
      taken its logical course and shown the world what it really is and who it really supports.
      There is plenty of time for that.
      Well as you probably know people get their food from growing it in the earth like they always have,
      perhaps a class on agriculture could help you.
      To build a hospital you get the appropriate materials and engineering and you contruct a building,
      again perhaps an education in construction could help you.
      If you wish to live in a cave perhaps that would suite you. I for one think that we can construct
      sustainable housing as we have in many countries, look at England, Australia, US in many places, the
      examples abound, and their dependency on the OIL corporations is very low, perhaps near zero in some
      cases, so perhaps that has something to do with why this is not being done. The creation of sustainable
      energy sources and transport, and housing, that would leave the corporations with how many customers
      and how much money to exploit the world that was built on zero energy sustainable systems. Look at
      the space program for which I have works and the Berkely Lawrence Livermoore Labs where they have the
      technology of mechanical batteries used in sattelites and US Military vehichles but NOT civilian ones.
      We have had this cheap electrical storage technolgy for over 30 years, and it has yet to find it into
      any commercial areas, perhaps because it has a lifespan of 50 years and 4 small units that take less than
      70 cents to charge and run your car for a moneth would put one hell of a dent in the profit and political
      influence of the energy and oil businesses. What would they do without all their profits? Who would they push around and who would they invade? What would Haliburton and Kellog Brown and Root do? How would they justify
      their existance?
      Well if your system is not based on profit then perhaps you could see yourself as a fellow human since your goal is not to dominate someone else to GET THE MONEY and the RESOURCE to SELL TO GET the money, then perhaps you could also take a course on human ethics, human psychology as it relates to economics, and perhaps you could ask your self some questions like, if man decides to travel into space to live, should he set up a business first or a life support system? I for one know that a well engineered life support system would be the ONLY thing I would need, as educated people do not need direction, only the ECONOMICALLY EXPLOITED WORKING SLAVES that are serving their FINANCIAL OWNERS need that. Thats why the poor are also uneducated. Because uneducated people WORK FOR LESS and ARE EASILY EXPLOITED.
      Well in this Journey as a human being perhaps you could LEARN to APPRECIATE what OTHERS DO FOR YOU with or WITHOUT MONEY and YOU COULD LEARN TO SHARE in the RESPONSIBLITIES OF LIVING and HUMAN EVOLUTION. Just a thought. Yes and if I could help someone take a step I felt they were ready for, then perhaps I would help them so we could share in the benifit of them not living in need, thats HOW you HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR without MONEY. The earth is for all people to SUSTAIN THEM, and the PEOPLE are to HELP each other, that usually works better, as is indicated in the psychologcial and social models of indiginous people who have matured to the point of understanding about resource management, like the Aborliganal people have from Australia, which has a culture a little older than that of Europe, or most others , about 50,000 years old with almost zero historical voilence, until the people with the economic development plan showed up, then well it all went to hell like it always does. You know that old chestnut of POWER, DOMINATION, and CONTROL believing that OWNERSHUP and the defending of a claim through a hierarchical structure of social interaction is actually an intelligent model of social development, I believe history has shown that although it may develop technologies, it has a propensity to develop WAR technologies to ensure OWNERSHIP and CONTROL elements rather than promoting social dialog, it promotes POWER THROUGH DOMINATION, which if you have a desire to MAKE a HUGE PROFIT in YOUR LIFETIME is the WAY TO GO, you kill your advesaries, you take their resourecs, you learn NOTHING except how to kill more effienctly NEXT TIME it WILL HAPPEN, and you plan to feed your populace propaganda to ensure your peacetime economics are as profitable as they can be under the guise of your psuedo structures and you pretend to give people power of choice with dumb things "like voting" so they will not revolt against the system, and you quietly go about your business of exploiting everything and everyone for the holy, lets all bow down--- P R O F I T --- which is nothing more than a self deluded concept of fear based management by concentration of power into the hands of those that can not THINK OUT SIDE their BOX OF MONEY.
      They love their little BOX of money, and they like to listen stories as children do of how the digits in this little number called the balance is GETTING BIGGER AND BIGGER and they usually ask very few questions about HOW IT IS GETTING bigger and who the wealth transfer is coming from and how it is affecting lives of others that are not sitting around looking at their computer screens counting....
      1 dollar 2 dolllar 3 dollar and 4...
      has sort a ring to it, like a kindergarten song... like the kind you listen to before nap time....

      peace is an energy field of human and earthly alignment as to purpose and goal. Money is devoid of that wisdom. It is power without an ethical goal, it has developed into an immoral agent of change, and it generates MORE not LESS FEAR for its USERS and HOLDERS, because they develop thinking not about their relationships with the earth or people, but they develop relationships with abstract numbers, and numbers are only abstractions they are NOT REAL. If you have four objects, so what that you have four... It is more important how and what you do with the four objects and if what you do is sustainable and thoughtful than if you have four of them..
      Its like thinking like a child if I have more marbles then you then I am "somehow more important" or useful, in reality if you do not make wise choices with your marbles you show that you focused you attention and your goals on the best think for yourself or others... What good is that way of thinking???? Perhaps we should be friends rather than I making a statement about my marble count and how I want others to respect me for that.
      Learn to respect yourself and what is respect of live in itself. Money is NOT needed for that. And for that you will avoid the desire to dominate and thus the pains of money and its psychopathic psychology of motivation and a lack of concern in its behavior modalities.

      Destroy Money. Create Peace. Their I said it again....
      It has a nice HUMAN sustainable ring to it, don’t you think?

      And by the way you referred to Einstein, do you think he was smart? What has his vision brought
      the world today? Are atomic weapons an expression of human love and earthly responsiblity.
      I do not think this very wise, perhaps you could hug a nuke for me, before it is launched against
      other humans living in economic fear... I would like that. Nuclear power was persued to ensure the
      domination of money, Einstein was just a scientist desiring to understand and develop ideas about enery,
      and matter but his creations where brought into a world that was to immature and un loving to respect
      and use the power of his visions responsibly. Unfortunatly he was used by military corporations as many scientists are and their creations bring not LIFE but DEATH into the world, but that was not up to a single person it is UP TO ALL OF US. We chose to share or NOT. Our great power as humans is choice. not money.