Home > Habitual lies to promote a war against the guiltless are pretty telling...

Habitual lies to promote a war against the guiltless are pretty telling...

by Open-Publishing - Sunday 21 August 2005

Edito Movement Wars and conflicts USA Mary MacElveen

by Mary MacElveen

I still say that this statement is ludicrous and just plain nuts.

I am of the belief we go after those who not only attack us as a nation, but also personally. I am not of the belief of excusing horrific behavior and actions by terrorists or mere criminals in this country.

If you are guilty of a terrorist attack or any crime is that you do the time and are prepared for the consequences of your actions.

* I am however against going after the wrong people and blaming them as in the case where we invaded Iraq.

While Karl Rove asserted that liberals would offer therapy to those who attacked us, my assertion is that people like Karl Rove, Pres. Bush and those who support the war in Iraq are the ones in need of therapy. Habitual lies to promote a war against the guiltless are pretty telling.

What leads me to say this a quote I read in Newsday by Marcella Minucci whose son Sgt. Joseph Minucci II was killed in Iraq. She stated "Sheehan’s vigil undermines support for the troops" and went on to say "If she wants an explanation from the president, she needs to see a psychiatrist first."

While those are her feelings and she has every right to say that, I do find a problem following statement made by Mrs. Minucci: "She should be very proud to know her son died to help keep our freedom."

Those that still believe that this "Bush War" is founded on keeping our freedom are the very ones in need of therapy ... those that still believe we are bringing freedom and democracy to this country are suffering from a mania that has taken hold of this country.

According to a Washington Post article "US Lowers Sights On What Can Be Achieved in Iraq" the following passage jumped out at me: "The United States no longer expects to see a model new democracy, a self-supporting oil industry or a society in which the majority of people are free from serious security or economic challenges, US officials say."

In essence, this war was a miserable failure where this administration’s objective was not met.

Those of us in the anti-war movement saw this from the very beginning and we were the ones thought of as suffering from a mania. If anything we were the sane ones. Our logical beliefs have been for sometime placed in straitjackets.

But, getting back to Cindy Sheehan, she has become more than just a mom who lost a son in the "Bush War"; she has become our champion and our warrior for peace. In an article titled, “A War Against Cindy,” Butler Shaffer wrote: “In Gaelic, the name "Sheehan" means "peace maker." It is precisely the desire of Cindy and millions of others to foster peace and prevent additional deaths — whether of Americans or Iraqis.”

There have been many brave people throughout history who have gone up against established governments and kingdoms who were thought to be dangerous as well as crazy.

When Joan of Arc fought for the unification of France against England, she too was seen in that light. She was even betrayed where she was taken into custody and tried for heresy. Her ultimate fate was that she was found guilty and burned at the stake. Legend has it that the only part of her that did not burn was her heart. That should tell you something there.

The causal effect of the pro-war and pro-Bush mania that has infected this country is where anyone willing to go up against both he and his policies are seen as crazies or heretics. A clear example of the way this mania has infected people is when Mike Gallagher who is a talk show host led a pro-Bush rally just outside Bush’s Crawford ranch, chanting, "We don’t care."

* That chant was directed at Cindy Sheehan and those that have gathered there to support her. I am of the opinion that shows a lack of sympathy and empathy.

Those that often lack the capacity to sympathize or empathize are often referred to as sociopaths. Sociopathic behavior is known to be a psychological disorder.

It should offend the senses of those who support our troops that Bush stated: “it’s also important for me to go on with my life, to keep a balanced life." He stated it in an article written by Ken Herman entitled "Bush will ’go on with life’; defends refusal to meet protester."

Will the over 1,800 soldiers killed get to live out the rest of their lives and do so in a balanced way?

The statement and past ones made by Bush are a clear case of narcissism. On September 11, 2001, he was quoted as saying "I was just trying to get out of harms way." According to the American Psychiatric Association "The chief attribute of narcissism which causes abuse is arrogance: A narcissist believes that they are better than others. In fact, narcissists believe they are the center of the universe and certainly act like it."

A president to me is supposed to lead a nation where he is of service to all of us ... and he should never think of himself as being bigger than the office he holds.

To those that still support this president and war, help is out there to aid you in distinguishing fact from fantasy. For over two years now, you have been spoon fed by this administration a fantasy and for the greater good please get some therapy.

* I will leave you with this one quote by St. Joan of Arc: "I fear nothing, except treason."

Cindy Sheehan fears nothing and has gone up against a treasonous president and a treasonous government.



Forum posts

  • by stating that our governement is treasonous, do you include the three branches or just Bush? if you mean literal treason, then the solution is trial by the Senate (I think), and impeachment of the President, the Senate, the House, and, if you include them, the Supreme Court. I believe you need to use your terms more carefully!

  • Thank for stating the whole truth,so help us GOD. sincerely

  • I believe that we really are facing the reality that our entire government is complicit with the criminal Bush administration and that in these circumstances, the only option available to those who seek to save our country is to remove the entire government. Unless part of it or some of those within the government want to take their responsibility to The People seriously, I believe we need to remove them all. — Brian Richard

  • Saddam’s regime was "guiltless"? Do only American lives matter?

    Using this logic, the US should have waged WWII on Japan only. (Yes, I realize that Germany declared war on the US, but only after the US repeatedly and systematically violated neutrality in favor of Britain, which of course, was the right thing to do.)

    • http://www.thememoryhole.org/war/powell-no-wmd.htm

      "In February 2003, Powell said: "We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destruction, is determined to make more."

      But two years earlier, Powell said just the opposite. The occasion was a press conference on 24 February 2001 during Powell’s visit to Cairo, Egypt. Answering a question about the US-led sanctions against Iraq, the Secretary of State said:

      We had a good discussion, the Foreign Minister and I and the President and I, had a good discussion about the nature of the sanctions — the fact that the sanctions exist — not for the purpose of hurting the Iraqi people, but for the purpose of keeping in check Saddam Hussein’s ambitions toward developing weapons of mass destruction. We should constantly be reviewing our policies, constantly be looking at those sanctions to make sure that they are directed toward that purpose. That purpose is every bit as important now as it was ten years ago when we began it. And frankly they have worked. He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors. So in effect, our policies have strengthened the security of the neighbors of Iraq..."

    • You, don’t know anything about German history!

      But finally the German Nazi System succeeded in the USA 2000. At the same time the neutral Americans supported Britain the Bush family made a fortune with German companies, which supplied Cyclon B to the concentration camps.

      Since then the American desperation hasn’t changed a bit.

  • The Joan Baez anti war "Ray-guns" mentality of the 60’s lives today outside Pres. Bush’s own ranch! Do you really think that there would have been no more attacks if the US took no action against terrorism? Do you think this had been the first? No—sometimes we need to study much previous history before making judgements on government-none is perfect, but the USA is the greatest, most respected and help to the third world!! Where would you rather be? What would be your plan—picketing Bin-Laden’s cave or castle?? OK with me!!


    • The corporate wepons manufacturers have long been siphoning the tax coffers of america.
      To fight royalism, to fight communism, to fight fascism, and now terrorism.

      All this fighting has killed millions of poor working class conscripts, and made billionaire fortunes for a very small few.

      Strange how these few are always finding new enemies... and just how much effort is spent protecting their lavish lifestyles, or are they protecting the people they glibly claim to represent?

    • You’re being silly. The world is full of enemies. Everyone has enemies, not just Americans. You can ask Rwandans, Yugoslavs, Armenians, Nepalese, whoever. When confronted with three millenia of war and genocide, only a fool would favor utopian pacifism.

      Peace kills.

    • "Peace kills."

      What ya got? Shares in carlisle, or do you get a job with raytheon?