Home > Pentagon considers preventive nuclear attacks

Pentagon considers preventive nuclear attacks

by Open-Publishing - Monday 12 September 2005

Nuclear Wars and conflicts USA

In the news: Rheinische Post, Duesseldorf


This is an announcement of a rogue state: USA recently created by the current Administration.

May somebody help us, please!

If the troops are going along with this then we witness a new area of darkest history.

Forum posts

  • Time for the U.S. public to do a pre-emptive strike on all these government lunatics.

    • God Bless the World...it is obvious that this group of "thugs" has their eyes set on dropping the big one. And with their incompetence the best we can hope for is that it backfires and lands in Crawford or D.C.. The rest of the world is very scared as they realize these people are MANIACS!!

    • The Devil and his disciples decided it was time to unleash some of their armageddon on the world. Americans will remain mesmerized and silent while the Devil plans the end of all life on earth. The people’s of the world know their God will not help them, they pray to him everyday and he never hears them. They know their God is too puny to stop the Devil just as their Bible fore told, and it will be the firey end of the world. A self fullfilling prophesy is unfolding and they will watch or participate having resigned themselves to this end.