Home > Bush’s America

Bush’s America

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 13 September 2005

Economy-budget USA

More good news tonight from the Treasury Department....minimum credit card payments are going up 100 per cent with the blessing of the US Treasury. The average American card holder, according to MSNBC cable news, has a credit card balance of $9,000 and most pay a minimum of $200 per month...today. When the new minimum goes into effect, that minimum will be $400 per month. Who will be the beneficiary of such drastic action?

The circumstantial evidence is mounting daily, exceeded only by our national debt. Think about what you know: The 2000 "election" had enough voter fraud allegations to warrant question about its authenticity. The Bush Administration had prior knowledge from domestic AND foreign intelligence communities of threats using aircraft to deliver suicide missions and was BRIEFED on the subject. 9-11 was so suspect that an "independent" council was appointed to investigate.

Of the 19 hijackers responsible, 15 were Saudi Arabian. NO aircraft were allowed to fly in American airspace the following week EXCEPT for for the plane ferrying Saudi Arabians around the US. We were lied to...Congress and the American people...about evidence and events leading up to the invasion of Iraq, not to mention the lives lost and destroyed. Gutting our environmental protections. MORE fraud allegations and evidence of impropriety following the 2004 election...Ohio this time, along with Florida and others. Diebold
E-voting machines made?...guess where.

Probably the most visible has been the horrible Katrina debacle with the inhumane ineptitudes and outright savage attitude from Bush appointees to key FEMA positions as political favors without regard to qualification Point I’m attempting is this: as the middle class shrinks in America, so grows the poor. One wonders why? Why are measures taken to deliberately cause a larger class of poor in America? Historically, Middle Class America paid the bills. The actions being taken by this administration seems bent on destroying the middle class and bankrupting America. Twelve trillion dollar surplus squandered in less than four years and a deficit now measured in hundreds of trillions. Big Oil receiving taxpayer-funded subsidies when they post record profits for 2004 and the first and second quarter for 2005 while we get gouged at the pump. Gasoline, diesel, home heating oil, natural gas, and elecricity projected to rise as much as 71% with no relief in sight. Jobs outsourced overseas with our government’s blessing. Manufacturing jobs being replaced with McJobs. The median income falling while energy, medical and prescriptions, real estate taxes, education costs and food prices soar.

Now is the time for the US Treasury to INCREASE our credit card minimum payment by 100 per cent?? Now is the time to make bankruptcy all but impossible for those unable to meet their financial obligations because of circumstances created by those who represent us in Washington? There IS an agenda...there HAS to be! Are we merely being punished for low poll numbers or because we dare voice our outrage and concern for the path we’ve taken, or is there something more encompassing and sinister?

One thing is certain: we must unite as Americans and insist on accountability from those who represent us and we must do it soon. What have we allowed to happen?

West Virginia

Forum posts

  • Okay. Take your medication. Your rants really make any of your comments look idiotic. Besides, we know you, Michael Moore, wrote this. Idiot.

    • Got that one wrong! If I were Michael Moore my kids wouldn’t need to worry about credit card debt, gasoline prices, food, medicine, tuition, the air and water we consume and the fine situation our government representatives have dished out to us. You need to reexamine all those things you feel strongly about and then tell me George Bush and his administration have met your expectations.

      Have a good day

  • Gee Mike.
    I can’t understand why you’re so upset. The government has just assured us that there will only be a "modest" economic impact from hurricane Corina and that inflation is under control. In fact, Treasury Secratary John Snow said, just today, that the economic effect will only be felt during the 4th quarter! By winter of 2006, the economy will be as robust as ever. Now if that doesn’t inspire confidence, you may have some serious physological problems. And besides, those people who are using thier credit cards, to buy cheap Chinese junk at Wal Mart need to understand a little about economics, trade deficits & good ole Amerikan values. You shouldn’t buy stuff you can’t afford. Live within your means and pay you’re bills on time. There are multi-national corporations who depend on this ever increasing outflow of borrowed capitol to help us maintain the lifestyle we so dearly enjoy. I mean, what’s another 20 bucks here, another 30 bucks there? Yeh sure, we’re all paying a little more for fuel now days and credit card payments are going up, and the price of food is a little higher, and it will cost you a little more to heat you’re home this winter, & maybe you’er kid will have to wear last years clothes and shoes. So? The important thing to remember is that this is the greatest democrapcy in the history of the world and it’s important that we support our fearless leaders as they lead us down the path to complete oblivion and abandonment. So get a grip Mike and buy some gold, store some food and water and get ready for the second coming of Dog.

  • Mike,

    Get real....We need to look at facts not politics...Brown, although clearly not the right guy, was factually correct in his testimony.....Evac-State issue, EVAC plan - City issue, Law enforcement- City Issue, Request for Fed support - State Issue. Stick to facts, not emotion, and I think you will gai a clearer picture of just how messed up the City, County and State governement structures were in La....It has been pretty widleyt known in the 100 years prior to this that NO and La are the most corrupt of any state in the union.

    I find it troubling that in the wake of Katrina, Florida state and local authorities, and in Texas state and lcoal authjorities did a pretty good job of doing their part, while the only place that had issues was Lousiana and most spcifically New Orleans...Hmmm, makes me wonder. Additinally, Mississippi had more destruction, more deaths as a direct result of the hurricane than did La, and they handled it fairly well without crying and whining about where is FEMA at....

    I also see by your disclaimer on what you won’t post to your site, the liklihood of this note making is slim....

    I continue to be amazed by a consistent ’bash bush’ campaign that frankly cost the Dems the election last year, and will cost them again in 08 if they don’t figure out its the issues, not the person....Thats has been the lesson learned from Clinton and now Bush.