by Open-Publishing - Monday 26 September 2005

Demos-Actions Movement Wars and conflicts USA Peter Fredson


By Peter Fredson

September 26, 2005

Yesterday I returned from a walk around the block, turned on my TV and saw a blurry picture of Cindy Sheehan, with muffled sound. The picture was shot from below the lady, perhaps surreptitiously, at a bad angle. I could not make out what Ms. Sheehan said.

Then the picture changed. A woman was shown in full clarity, with full clear sound and from the front. The contrast between presentation of the two speakers was remarkable, and it was obvious that only the second speaker was to be given any attention. This is obviously part of the “dirty tricks” of the Bushites.

Cindy Sheehan was part of an anti-war anti-Bush demonstration, with perhaps 100,000 participants. Anti-war and anti-Bush signs accused Bush of lying to start a war and fomenting terror instead of fighting it. Some signs said “Bush terrorist’, “Bush liar”, “Bush lied people died”, “End the illegal occupation”, and “Say NO to War.”

One problem I had with the seriousness of the occasion was that many of the participants chose to wear bizarre clothing, with exceedingly colorful attachments. Another problem is that the demonstration was not focused but diffused as some of the demonstrators were also against “racism, colonialism, police brutality, World Bank and International Monetary Fund Policies, and called to end Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and end of U.S. threats against Cuba and Venezuela.”

It was obvious that the anti-war demonstration was not professionally organized.

The second woman was part of a well-organized Republican Party demonstration. She intimated that Cindy Sheehan was a traitor to her country because she was criticizing a War Time President who was fully occupied in fighting a mighty terror in a distant land, so that terror would not strike us here in America.

I wish I had recorded the next part, but basically she said that to criticize the President was treasonous, and that Cindy Sheehan must hate her country because no one that loves their country would act in such a treacherous fashion, putting the lives of the brave soldiers at risk. She loved her son, but now he was dead, and she felt that his memory was dishonored by the Cindy People.

It was at that instant that I got a faint disgusting whiff of turd, direct from the Turd Blossom himself. It was as though Karl Rove were present and had personally organized the entire pro-Bush demonstration. The Republican mantra would now be: anyone that hates their country will criticize Bush, and this will cause our brave boys to get killed. Rove went for emotion rather than substance: a tried and true Bush tactic.

Let’s review some of the Rove strategic statements: The deaths of the soldiers were not caused by Bush but by terrorists. Our sons and daughters in Iraq are fighting for American Freedom, while terrorists hate freedom and democracy. Bush needs to keep us safe and any criticism will encourage the terrorists. Bush uses the flypaper strategy to kill those nasty terrorists and when he finishes we will have democracy and freedom. Most Iraqis want us to stay in Iraq for stability. We are reconstructing Iraq against wishes of the terrorists who want to see us fail. If we don’t fight them in Iraq we may put our country in peril as they come over here. We are trying hard to give Iraq a Constitution and firm leadership, and only terrorists want to see all this fail.

More Rove strategy: Our brave boys were nice boys, popular, good in school, loved their parents, nice-looking, good fiancées and husbands. The war was not caused by Bush but by an evil dictator, full of evil, who had gassed some of his own people and therefore it was legitimate to “change the regime.” So, it is a terrible shame, even a crime, to say or do anything that will put the lives of these brave good soldiers at risk.

The contrast between the two demonstrations was indeed remarkable. The anti-Bush one showed how his continual lies led to war and that he was responsible for every soldier killed. He and his neo-con cronies started war deliberately as part of their strategy to dominate the world, for themselves.

The second demonstration somehow failed to mention any of the hundreds of Bush lies, or his failures, or how he mocked sovereignty, or how he bullies the UN and deceived the entire congress into a war. There was no mention of WMD’s, aluminum tubes, yellow cake, biological labs, mushroom clouds, but some discussion of EVIL.

Part of the mantra is that Bush is a fine, honest, open, friendly, diplomatic, wise, and judicious person who loves his God, Mom and Laura and wants only the very best for the people of his country.

Then I watched as several characters that I thought were dead, came to give their testimony for wartime. They were the left-overs from the Nixon administration, even some of the disgraced and convicted people, who still resent the loss of Nixon. They showed no repentance, shame or reluctance to back the war demonstration, or to back a lying president. On the contrary, like Bush who loves to stay a failed course, they too wanted a replay and another chance to demonstrate a repugnance for democracy and a lobbyist’s love of corporate welfare and compassion.

“The group who spoke here the other day did not represent the American ideals of freedom, liberty and spreading that around the world,” Sen. Jeff Sessions, an Alabama Republican, told the crowd. “I frankly don’t know what they represent, other than to blame America first.”

The smell of turd overcame my desire to watch the demonstration so I turned off the TV.

But now we know, as we had known before, that the Republican strategy is to use emotional phrases to denigrate the opposition, make them appear treasonable, and laud every movement of wise Great Leader Bush and his equally wise and honest Cabinet. The media did as expected, giving scant attention to the anti-war demonstration but much greater time, and attention to the pro-Bush demonstration.

Bush himself was not present in Washington to see the demonstration. He was off giving speeches, shaking hands, patting people on the back, smiling, strutting, hugging poor and black people, and throwing money at the big corporations who will make fortunes at “reconstructing” the after effects of Katrina and Rita. He didn’t even have to fake being serious for photo-ops. He knows he is in big trouble but Karl Rove will pull him out with his big bag of dirty tricks. This is NOT the time to fire Karl for outing a CIA agent.

The public is most gullible right now, and will buy any emotional gimmick that they think will give them some sort of stability in a shifting world.

Forum posts

  • Who Side You Can’t Ague With The Truth

    This anti-Cindy demonstration exist for one main reason and that is to piggy back off the large and growing anti-war and Cindy Sheehan movements. They are basically following Cindy around the world just for the audience leftovers. I have always thought the other side had a basic content problem. When they make their arguments, I have noticed they don’t really have an alternate point; instead, they have managed to present the truth the anti-war movement uses as just another opinion. The real battle is the truth vs the anti-truth. If you have notice how the other side has to key off of the arguments points the anti-war movements uses, you figured out just how misguided and shalow the Republican pro-war movement is.


    • Obviously Arabs are not ready for civilized living. Their stereotyping and promoting hatred of Americans and others who want to help them will continue to take them further down the spiral. As well, any religion that encourages murder and the hurting of others is obviously not a religion. True religions teach compassion, non-violence, and love.

    • You have got to be kidding me? I saw this article off of Google and thought it was a joke. I am so tired of the liberal media and bias in this country it makes me sick. And what is even more funny is people believe it. But to each his own and that is what makes this country great. To be honest with you, the "anti-war" movement is not as big as one thinks it is. It is just that the media keeps focusing on one group....Cindy Sheehan and her "followers". But when you have a group like Moveon.org to support with you with all the money you want, I guess you get more coverage. Peter and Jospeh I feel sorry for you that you have fallen into such garbage.

    • will please tell the entire world which religion that is so i can join it....andy a

    • Islam historically does not tolerate deviation from its obligations and commandments, which include the killing of unbelievers, or extreme taxation of the same; religious tolerance is non-existant in the Quran.

      Another major detail, one of the reasons why democracy will NEVER work in a Moslem country, is that it is incompatible with the Shari’a or Moslem law, as in Islam religious law and the government are one and the same. Moslems have never known democracy, since before, during and after Mohammad. A non-Moslem country or state amongst them (read Israel) is anathema to Islam.

      How can one reason with this logic? It is impossible, and coexistance is nearly impossible as well.

    • Did the U.S.enter into Iraq to civilize?There behaviour in there back yard is none of your concern and I don’t remember Colin Powell mentioning this at the U.N. As regards a religion that hurts others,talk to Pat Robertson about that. Regarding the teaching of non violence,maybe you should ask Mr. Bush if he intends to convert to such.

    • You sure sound like a "civilized" patriot!

    • Speaking of those not ready for civilized living, your list needs to grow—take a look at history, both distant past and recent past—and look in the American/Christian/Jewish mirror. In your criticisim of others’ stereotyping, you stereotype. True compassion, non-violence, and LOVE—sound nearly exclusively Buddhist to me.

    • Hey puke, you have no idea what you are talking about...how much do they pay you to shill for Bu$hco???

    • According to the Republicans own polls and we know how honest they are (ya right) 63% of Americans are against Bush’s war and Bush himself is not doing so good either, stop shitting yourself.

    • You are 100% right. How can one reason with that logic.

    • That is sweet.

      “[sic] There behaviour in [sic] there back yard is none of your concern…”


      Hey, let’s all turn a blind eye to kleptocratic thugocracies in the name of peace!


      How can you sleep at night?

  • peter, why can’t you replace the peter that just died....he will roll over in joy with a huge grin....PLEASE! PLEASE! keep up the thoughtfull writing!!!!!andy a

  • "The public is most gullible right now" and you are one of them.

  • You people are fools and imbeciles. The “truth” you never speak about is this: nothing you say or do matters! That’s right, Bush is President until 2008 and the US is not leaving Iraq until then. Even after 2008 there is still a good chance we will stay. So you know what, you can complain, and moan, and protest all you want. You can do it outside his ranch, the Whitehouse, or anywhere you please. You can protest with 100 thousand or 100 million, hell you losers can protest with 100 billion for all we care. You will change nothing. You are too late. You lose. Game over. There is nothing you can do about it, and you know it. That drives you crazy. That’s the “truth”. So put that in your piece pipe and smoke it!!

    • God Bless You and I thank the good Lord someone like you has got it all figured out. You, the poius Mr. Bush, the sanctimonious Lara, and all the other non-God fearing disciples can take all the oil you want into the afterlife with you. SEE YA ! ! Go halfway around the world and bomb and another country in the middle of the night before you go. MAKE SURE you pat yourself on the back and smile at your little eensy-weensy dick. Please, KEEP UP THE MACHO EMAIL !


    • If you really cared about this country and you’re fellow citizens you might try finding some answers to why we are really in Iraq,but people like you just bow your head down and followand do exactly what you are told to do,talk about imbecilic behavior,squeaky wheel gets the grease is true,so just sit back watch listen and LEARN from people who care enough to do the right thing,Vietnam was also protested and oh my GOD look what happened,Also namecalling is so infantile,I realize thats all some of you know how to do but try harder next time,Please don’t degrade people for trying to change things and save lives at least they care and haven’t given up hope. I will pray for you!

    • It doesn’t drive "us" crazy . Crazy is the shit that comes out of the mouths of mental infants like you. The deficit doesn’t concern you. Borrowing money from commies to pay for it doesn’t concern you. Jobs disappearing to the far east doesn’t concern you. No exit strategy for a war that had nothing to do with 9/11 doesn’t concern you. All you can say, like a seven-year-old is "We win. Nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah. " You mirror the competence of this administration, but your day is coming.

  • The Rovian mind would have taken care to plant irrelevant causes into the mix of protesters — what better way to dilute the Anti-Bush sentiment than pay a few people to carry totally irrelevant signs — "Massachusetts Chapter::Take Your Goldfish To Work Day," "Universal Health Care for Illegal Immigrants," "Teach A Parrot To Yodel International," etc.

  • "So, it is a terrible shame, even a crime, to say or do anything that will put the lives of these brave good soldiers at risk."

    I’m pretty sure it IS a crime to put our soldiers at risk; it’s called treason. But as to whether or not protesting counts as such, I don’t think so.

  • Repubs are always threatened by truth. Most of them are too clouded by their own pious sanctity to be able to see themselves as they really are. "A Whiff Of Turd" is the perfect title for an article about the Republican sham. After all, most of these concepts of trickery come from Republican think tanks. These septic tanks of Republican thought decide how best to lead the sheep.
    Keep up the protests! Let’s Lysol the excrement from the Repoblican propagnada machine. Truth and logic are natural antibiotics to ward off Republican vermin.

    • The Turd you call is bush and his dirty group that stand and lied and withheld the truth from the world.

      You say those who do not support the war hurts our troops, it gives the terrorits the feed to fuel their attacks.

      Its strange but they can read the same information we get that bush has been proven to have lied about the facts to invade Iraq. We all know it was for oil, i bet they think how stupid American people are to support a president who has lied and with the support of Cheney, Rumsfeldt, Rice, Rove, Powell , the list goes on how do you think the Middle East can understand those who support Bush can be so stupid.

      Cindy and others who protest the war, their cry is for those they lost, this also includes your sons and daughters and loved ones that have been sent to this hell hole.

      No its going to get worse in Iraq, Oct 15 will not change anything. The same bombings and the same lies will continue from this bush group.

      No I do not support the War, I do Not support the lies that placed your sons and daughters in harms way, the ones that were killed will never know what it is to live a full life, you support the death of your own , how sad, how selfish to inflict and support the death of millions of Iraq people, people who also have a right to life.

      God we are sick

    • I gave them too much credit. After reading all the name calling the Republicans used and feeling the hateful content contained in anything they disagree with, I have also come to the conclusion they are the very thing they hate when they describe a Middle Eastern person. You also find name calling and such on the back of school buses as teenager "cap" on each other. These are the same folks who were quick to point out how the response the Blacks got in New Orleans from Katrina was not racial or class driven. If you type in Ray Nagin’s name in any search engine, you come up with just how hateful and racist the right can be. There is on point to make for the Mayor’s response to the hurricane that is very overlooked. Mayor Nagin was actively trying to address the situation in the best way he could. At times, he appeared desperate and on the verge of a breakdown because of the lack of support he had received up to that point. To add to all of this, Mr. Nagin had to watch friends and citizens die as their bodies floated by in a mounting body of floodwater. The Mayor was not taking pictures or in a plane looking down on the victims. In hindsight, we can look back at what the Mayor could have done better but we should not use that hindsight to spin blame. We know where the blame should be, and the American people must have the courage to state the truth. The Feds blew it. My point is the New York mayor was treated like a hero, while this New Orleans mayor went through hell in the truest sense of the word. The New Orleans mayor was treated like he stole something, when all he did do is "talk back" to master Bush as he told him BLACKS AND THE POOR were dying. Maybe he forgot to say Sir.


    • Did anyone else catch the fact that all major t.vee stations covered the anti war demonstration without citing any estimates about the 250,00 people there just in DC showing it only from angles where you could not see how many people were there and then they immediately cut to the pro war demonstration and covered it as thought there were equal numbers on both sides...pretty funny, they never give up playing their dirty tricks for Bu$hco.

  • You make a couple of very important points in your blog. Actually you made a lot more than two, but two seem especially important to me.

    This first is the notion that if we are going to support our troops, we must therefore support the commander in chief. That has been one of the Bush / Republican subtle but effective themes from the very beginning of the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

    The problem with that argument is that it moronic as well as flat wrong. We can appreciate and hope for the best for our troops, and condem the hell out of those who concocted anything that turns out to be based on lies, and personal vendettas.

    So I feel no conflict at all in wishing our troops safety and quick return, while at the same time hoping the Special Prosecutor and the Courts will find a lot of those in the administration guilty of the most serious of all offenses, and hang Bush and Rove in particular by their nuts in a public square.

    I am not a strong advocate of physical punishment as a rule. Restraint, yes. But what Bush has done to Iraq and the entire Middle East has not only killed tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians, it has also damaged the image of America and Americans thoughout the world, possibly beyond repair.

    The second point is that I don’t believe Cindy Sheehan got into her protest to become the leader of a movement. She is not a polished Madison Avenue Act that sparkles with gold and gems. She is just a real person with guts. The Republicans sparkle, but have no substance or message. They are not really trying to do anything other than keep the media going back and forth.

    Actually, I should not make it sound so partisan. That is an oversimplification. On the Rove side it is almost entirely partisan. On the Sheehan side, people are very diverse, and all are outraged at most of what Bush now stands for: blossumus manurus:)

    Oops -

  • "a whiff of turd"

    Sounds like an ingredient to some disgusting recipe.

  • Wow! You must really be a Journalist?!!@! I think you actually believe the Bushite sound bites. Come on! Wake up to reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do what He would do, listen what He has to say. We’ve got some big problems here and it’s not going unnoticed. Is there anyone in government that is looking for the truth?????!!!!!

  • Thanks for the reporting Mr Fredson.
    To the previous commenters;
    Needless to get ’worked up’ by the various re-hashed propaganda clichés spoken by that insignificant number of people in that ’counter-demonstration’.
    If you think about it, that was a pathetic demonstration of failure from the ’pro war’ organisations, considering the vast and costly propaganda effort they dispense daily among the masses, through the grossly biased MSM. Apparently, their powerful elit backers could not buy more than few hundred counter-demonstrators.
    Indeed, it seems to me, that no enticement, ’dumbing down’ or bribes seems to work for them any more.
    Take courage, stay the course, be an optimist .

    • Where was the outrage when millions of Cambodians were killed?
      Where was the outrage when Saddam gassed the Kurds?
      Where was the outrage when the mass burials were uncovered?
      Where is the outrage when women are killed for being raped?
      Where is the outrage when hands are chopped off for minor offenses?

    • You need to be outraged at the US government...Pol Pot was supported by them, so was Saddam Hussein when their crimes were commited. Where is the outrage for that, where is the outrage for what the US troops are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan where the prison abuse is as disgusting as what the dictators did? How can it only be wrong when other than the government in this country or our troops do it???

      The US military is now amusing themselves with pictures of dead Iraqi citizens corpses being used as trading cards for pictures of pornography, and they have the blessings of the US government. These litlte perverts bring disgrace to our country and every thing moral left in humanity. Yet the citizens of this country choose to pretend they do not know about it. No wonder the rest of the world thinks Americans are immoral degenerated and inhuman.

      This one sided accusations that "Saddam Hussein" was bad bad bad, is almost laughable in comparrison to what "our" troops are doing to amuse themselves while they "represent" us. If anyone says support our troops to me I will spit on them.

    • Iran gassed the Kurds. Learn history, don’t repeat what you didn’t research.

      Outrage of mass burials? Where, in Iraq? How about Rwanda, Sudan, Chechnya......oh yeah, but we don’t care about those people....

      So you think that because Iraq is a bad place with a bad government that it was our duty to send our people there to fight?

      Ok, Iraq is REALLY bad, right?

      Did you know Iraq had the highest level of freedom for its citizens in comparison to all other Middle Eastern countries. That women in IRaq were NOT killed for being raped (You’re thinking of another country here.....)

      What about these other countries? Should we go to Sudan and Chad to stop the killings? Should we go to the Easter bloc to stop the selling of women and children into prostitution?
      Where else should we go?

      How many more countries do we need to fight until you are satisfied that there is no more wrongdoing in this world?

      HOw many of our people need to die to try to change the minds of people who will never change their mind through acts of bombardment?

      War is not the answer.

    • visit physician for human rights. Iraq gassed the Kurds.

    • "What about these other countries? Should we go to Sudan and Chad to stop the killings? Should we go to the Easter bloc to stop the selling of women and children into prostitution?
      Where else should we go?"

      Yes we should go! Kill them. Kill them all. If it were up to me I would just send over a few nukes and forget about it. I have nothing aganist the middle east, just all the people that live there.

    • There’s no outrage about the Sudan, Chad, Somolia, Rhowanda, Nepal,
      or any other place that our troops aren’t stationed at. You should start
      a Hypocrites for Humanity.

    • Don’t you get these moral cretins?

      They gladly turn a blind eye to slaughtered Shiites, gassed Kurds and starved Marsh Arabs (and on and on and on) because PEACE means doing sweet dick all. That, and ensuring you do everything you can to let people know that Bush=Hitler. Where were these people when Afghan women who dared leave their homes without a male relative did so at the risk of being beaten or shot by officers of the "ministry for the protection of virtue and prevention of vice."
      These people are a joke.

      The left has become full of hypocrites. Socially, I’m one of the most liberal people I know (support gay marriage, drug legalization, against the death penalty, separation of church and state, pro-choice, etc.) but my foreign policy views are based first and foremost on NOT LETTING PEOPLE GET SLAUGHTERED AND REPRESSED by the likes of Saddam. Not these folks. They actually make statements that lead one to conclude that Bush is WORSE than Saddam.


    • Ever heard of the cold war?

    • You are so correct! Thats the smartist thing I’ve heard all year. Thank you for saying it how it really is. I strongly feel that most of this great nation agrees with you..... THANK GOD!!

    • Afghanistan is one war....Iraq is another...so far 100,000 innocent Iraqis have been slaughtered by the United States military in Iraq. Don’t believe all of the lies being told by Bushco, they are just crooks (look at Halliburton, Kellogg Brown and Root, Carlyle - do a Google search on Carlyle daddy Bush’s group of criminals) war profiteers, who could trust anyone who makes their money from the killing and misery of innocent people.

      We HAVE NO BUSINESS being in Iraq, they did not ask us to come there and they had a stable country before we attacked them. Also it would be helpful for you to do a search on the Bush involvement with Saddam Hussein, the CIA kept him in power, provided him with money and weapons, even the gas that was used on the Kurds came from Britian while the US provided biological weapons. The sanctions were working, Saddam had no WMD even Bush finally admitted that....now he is lying about the other several reasons we are there. These criminals in government are there to profit from this war and anyone except a naive or immature thinker can clearly see that.

    • It was there.
      It was wrong.
      It just wasn’t coming from our (white) house.
      But you know that.
      Don’t you?

    • You are such a hypocrite! First you say “even the gas that was used on the Kurds came from Britian while the US provided biological weapons.” Then you say “The sanctions were working, Saddam had no WMD”. Don’t you find your comments rather contradicting? Tell me Mr. Know-it-all… which one is it? Did we give him WMD or not? If so, then that would mean that HE HAD THEM!! Which would prove you wrong about saying that the sanctions were working, if he had WMD from us or other wise then I would say that the sanctions were not working. If we did not give them to him and he had no WMD then that would still prove you wrong about us giving them to him! So either way, you’re wrong. Unless of course you mean that we gave him WMD along time ago and that he no longer had them. In which case I would say that that is the reason that the UN was there inspecting the place, but Saddam could not or would not prove that he destroyed all his weapons. In which case, if we sold some WMD to him, and he could not prove that he got rid of it then that (in my opinion) would be a very good reason for going in there, and I believe with all the UN resolutions regarding Iraq that that is also the opinion of the free (a.k.a. non-Muslim) world. Which would mean that you saying “HAVE NO BUSINESS” is incorrect, once again making you wrong! The UN said that he could not have WMD and that He had to prove disarmament. If what you said about Saddam having WMD and where he got it from is correct then thank you Mr. Know-it-all, you just made a perfect case for going into Iraq. Now please take your head out of your ass- thank you!