Home > How stupid can you be, arresting Cindy Sheehan while the whole world is (...)

How stupid can you be, arresting Cindy Sheehan while the whole world is watching?

by Open-Publishing - Tuesday 27 September 2005

Edito Movement Wars and conflicts Police - Repression USA

Does having Cindy Sheehan arrested and hauled off to the pokey to be photographed and finger-printed make you feel like a man, Dubya? Is this payback for Cindy’s Camp Casey in Crawford?

Better pour yourself another drink, George. Maybe pop some more pills, too. You’re gonna need ’em.

Nothing can ignite our determination to rid our country of you and your band of criminals than seeing a mother, who opposed your illegal war before her son died in it and who wants all the killing stopped, arrested for not having a permit to sit down in front of the house-the White House-that belongs to the people along with all the other government buildings and public spaces in Washington, DC.

You’re nothing but a miserable, drunken weasel who couldn’t take five minutes out of your five-week vacation, which we the people paid for, to meet face-to-face with Cindy and answer her questions.

In Crawford, Texas, Cindy told reporters, "I want to ask the president, why did he kill my son? He said my son died in a noble cause, and I want to ask him what that noble cause is."

Those are reasonable questions, George. Were you fearful that if you met with Cindy to answer them, she might ask if your cause is so noble why your daughters and your siblings’ progeny, along with Cheney’s daughters, aren’t risking their lives to fight for it?

And you surely didn’t have the guts to stay in Washington this past weekend to witness first-hand what the people think about you and your wars. Hurricane Rita provided you with the perfect excuse to flee to NORTHCOM in Denver to plot the completion of the military takeover of the US, in order to deal with us rabble.

Do you think we’re so stupid that we’re buying into your nonsense that the military can better perform as first responders to disasters-natural and those cooked up by you and your murderous buddies, such as 9/11?

Don’t you think we’re on to why your venomous sidekick, Cheney, chose this past weekend of all weekends to have elective surgery to repair aneurisms in his knees? He’s about as much a man as you are, George. But opting for surgery looked better than taking cover in one of his palatial bunkers. It’s too bad they didn’t operate on his skull to let all the filth out, instead of his knees.

Democrats, wipe the smirk off your faces, because you fled Washington like rats, too. We won’t forget that, either, so you better go shopping for votes among the Busheviks or take early retirement.

It’s interesting that some writers have suggested that Dubya is hitting the bottle again because his conscience is bothering him about the evil things he is responsible for. To be sure, the list is long: stolen elections in 2000, 2002, 2004; 9/11; the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq; destroying the environment, the economy and what is left of the social safety net; giving his rich friends tax cuts at the expense of everyone else; tearing down the remaining wall between church and state; failing to provide the money needed to reinforce the levees around New Orleans; ignoring the plight of the poor and mainly African American victims of Hurricane Katrina for days while he played and raised money for Republicans, then when he finally responded it was with costly staged photo ops (think about the precious fuel burned up at your expense), as he had the victims of Katrina scattered to the four corners of the country; and, in the wake of Rita, flying hither and yon for more staged photo ops, while telling the people to conserve fuel; and on and on and on . . .

No, a stroke of conscience isn’t what is causing George to drown himself in booze. It’s self-pity. Like all criminal psychopaths-and this psychopath in the White House happens to be a serial killer and war criminal-he’s afraid of getting caught. He knows the day of reckoning is coming and he is trying to relieve his anxiety with alcohol and pills.

Yes, George, the day of reckoning is coming and you may have hastened it by allowing Cindy to be arrested. No denials, please. You are responsible for her arrest. You could have prevented it by telling the US Park Police that under no circumstances was she to be touched.

But you didn’t do that. Instead, you allowed a spectacle for the whole world to see that gave our hero, Cindy Sheehan, a simple mom from California, near-martyr status. Thank you, George. You gave us quite a gift.

Yes, indeed, the day of reckoning is coming. So every one of you yellow-bellied creeps in Washington, in both wings of the Money Party, better start shaking in your overpriced shoes, because we are aiming to throw out the rest of the trash along with George, Dick, Karl, Condi, Rummy, et al.


Forum posts

  • The GOP criminals can do everything now, wait until the use the national guard against protesters.

    Democracy dies by inches!

    • You don’t know about communism. they won’t carry you peacefull like this, they will kick your %@! so badly, and leave you die like a dog, that what soviet style is.

    • just like in guantanamo, baghdad or kabul. In washington, they couldn’t. There were TV cameras.

  • First Of all Cindy sheehan is an incredibly selfish indiviual yes her son died but he died with honor for the fact that he signed up with his own will. 2 Times! Cindy should get a grip I know many people who sadly lost loved ones in the war in Iraq and they move on knowing what they died for was a good cause they died for terrorism to stop and they sacrificed themselves for their country. Cindy just wants all eyes to be on her while she fakes grieving for her noble son casey
    and anyone who follows cindy is an idiot read facts and don’t belive want she says

    • why don’t you get a life and stop projecting your own distorted opinions onto honorable people? "They sacrificed themselves for their country"? The terrorists weren’t IN Iraq before Mr. President invaded based on a lie. That is treason, in case you weren’t aware.

    • so, he died with honour for the terrorism to stop. Did it stop the terrorism?

    • dude you are full of shit 9-11 was a inside job done by the criminals in DC. You need to grow a brain asshole

    • War needs to be declared on Washington, since that’s where the terrorists are.

    • You are clearly a super genius. Yes, "grow a brain" indeed. Your tinfoil hat is too tight, you raving moonbat.

  • ok, think about this. casey knew when he re-enlisted that his unit was going to be sent to Iraq. if he didn’t support the war and didn’t want to go to Iraq, why did he sign up? he knew that he was taking the risk of dying and he went anyway. so maybe this war was based on "lies" as so many people like to put it and obviously cindy and casey thought so, why did casey re-enlist? no one forced him to...

    • Her son’s willingness (or lack thereof) to fight in Iraq has nothing to do with the fact that she is entitled to her opinion. Who are you to say that she has no right to protest against the war? Would you appreciate someone telling you how you should feel? In addition to thinking that she is an increidble woman, and in addition to being arrested with her on Monday, I simply feel that those who criticize her beliefs based on her son’s actions are grasping at straws.

  • Ms. Sheehan is a brave, brave woman. She puts up with all of you jerks who support the war (that had nothing to do with 9/11 by the way), killing innocent people (I don’t believe God condones killing), and pundits like Hannity who recently said to an anti-war protester "I don’t care about your thoughts. You can tell them to Alan. I’m not asking you that."

    Iraq is not a noble cause!

    • Why is Cindy Sheehan brave? She didn’t encounter any hardships to get her voice heard, in fact she got plenty of help and support.

    • cindy sheehan encountered a rather significant hardship on her way to her current position— she lost her only begotten son.

    • Why is Cindy Sheehan brave?
      Let me first start by saying that I can not believe anyone would ever have the audacity to post such a thing as this,think about this,she lost her son whom she gave birth to and raised with love and compassion(something you need to acquire before it is too late)If that isn’t hardship then then I and Websters must be confused! She is looking for TRUTHFUL answers as to why she has to suffer this loss,which she has every GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO,I would say she is the definition of BRAVE,I hope that this sheds some light for you so you can eventually see the light and pray that you never have to encounter loss such as this BRAVE woman has!

    • I understand Cindy has suffered great loss and hardship, but she hasn’t been exposed to a grave danger or grave threat[. So why is she brave? Her son Casey is brave, but I wouldn’t apply that adjective to Cindy.

    • How many people have you seen with the balls to stand up to this corrupt, lying, power hungry, money hungry, pieceofshit administration?

    • She is now some qualified foreign policy expert? Puh-lease.

  • stupid? not really, i’m afraid. just unrepentantly criminal. unconsciously criminal. genetically criminal. oh, and by the way, evolution IS intelligent design. the calculus of it confuses the religiously afflicted by the false starts inherent in chaotic system development, such as unpleasant weather and the like. and, lo, these dark days will one day stand as a beacon to wiser rulers, a beacon to the rocks surrounding greedy lying thieves. to be avoided assiduously by the ships of state.

  • How stupid can you be? Bush had nothing to do with the arrest of Cindy Sheehan. The police forces that are tasked with policing the grounds surrounding the White House arrested her. Bush has not direct command over them. He didn’t order her arrest. She broke the law, was duly warned, and appropriately arrested.
    Are you promulgating lawlessness?

  • Why don’t you prevail on the terrorists to stop the killing? Cindy should be doing the same! Too logical?

    • The terrorists in Washington are the ones responsible for all the killing. Where do you get your news, from television?

    • if there were terrorists in Washington then you have no mouth to say everything you want. Got that.

    • This turd of a csource that actually has articles citing "The Enquirer"? Give me a break.

  • You are obviously very young and ignorant. Or you’re old and ignorant. Get out more, read, stop repeating everything you hear.

    • ..lawlessness!!!?..you have to be kidding...the constitution is being trampled on by this administration. What a lark! Thank God for Cindy. Choose your congress very carefully folks. Know them ,what they have said and what there stance is not only on the war but on domestic policies. If you don’t, then you are just as responsible as anyone and if you don’t care about this war(the human price )think of fuel prices that will cause hyper inflation and inevitably and a depresssion that will pale the great depression of the last century. The guys up on high do not care. This is a war being fought on credit and when the crap huts the fan the it won’t effect them. Don’t be a sucker. These bums do not have your best interests in mind. Western style democracry in Iraq or Afganistan? It will never happen. There cultures are engrained into them from the dawn of time. What a mess! DO NOT BE A CHUMP!
      My thoughts are with the troops and the folk stricken by the hurricanes.(another fed botch job)

    • Ur obviosly a kind of person that doesnt think out of the box, that needs to keep ur nose out of things that you have no clue what threre talking about

  • Alrighty then!

    Some comments on the rant above. Before I do however, it is clear that Ben’s tinfoil hat is firmly bolted on. Hopefully others are a little more open-minded. And one more thing – I detest Bush. I am pro-choice, pro-drug legalization, anti-death penalty, staunchly opposed to religion interfering with government, etc. Bush and I differ in every possible way on every possible issue – except Afghanistan and to a lesser extent, Iraq.

    Here goes…

    “Does having Cindy Sheehan arrested and hauled off to the pokey to be photographed and finger-printed make you feel like a man, Dubya? Is this payback for Cindy’s Camp Casey in Crawford?”

    This is nonsense. There are strict rules that have been enforced long before W came to power. Sheehan was not the first person arrested for this. She and the others knew they’d be arrested, and they were. It has zero to do with W. Get over it. He doesn’t (thankfully) micromanage the lawn security.

    “Better pour yourself another drink, George. Maybe pop some more pills, too. You’re gonna need ’em.”

    Character assassinations based on questionable facts detract from your argument. I highly doubt W is a “pill popper” or a booze hound. I like a good drink. You? Certainly W can have one when he wants. I fail to see how any of this is relevant.

    “Nothing can ignite our determination to rid our country of you and your band of criminals than seeing a mother, who opposed your illegal war before her son died in it and who wants all the killing stopped, arrested for not having a permit to sit down in front of the house-the White House-that belongs to the people along with all the other government buildings and public spaces in Washington, DC.”

    First off, who is “our”? Secondly, Cindy Sheehan did not oppose the war before her son was killed. It was only after he died, in fact, some time after she met with W that she denounced the justification for war. Third, there are rules relative to gathering on the white house lawn. Again, these were in place long before W. Get over it.

    “You’re nothing but a miserable, drunken weasel who couldn’t take five minutes out of your five-week vacation, which we the people paid for, to meet face-to-face with Cindy and answer her questions.”

    This is bunk. First off, he is not, to my knowledge, a drunk. If you can give us some credible sources that say he has a drinking problem, I’ll gladly review them. Until then, taking shots like these make you look silly. Second, did you not see the pictures of W meeting with Tony Blair, among others, during his vacation? To think he didn’t take “five minutes out of your five-week vacation” to work is plain wrong. And why would he meet Cindy again? He already met her, remember? Here is a DIRECT quote from Sheehan about W following their meeting in 2004:

    "I now know he’s sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis," Cindy said after their meeting. "I know he’s sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he’s a man of faith." (http://www.thereporter.com/search/ci_2923921)

    So, she changed her mind. OK. Why should the President have to meet with her again? Why is she so special and entitled?

    “In Crawford, Texas, Cindy told reporters, ‘I want to ask the president, why did he kill my son?’”
    The fact is Ben, her son signed up for the military – TWICE! There is no draft. Bush didn’t make her son join the army.

    “Were you fearful that if you met with Cindy to answer them, she might ask if your cause is so noble why your daughters and your siblings’ progeny, along with Cheney’s daughters, aren’t risking their lives to fight for it?”

    Um, again, it is a volunteer military. Not a draft. Get it?

    “Don’t you think we’re on to why your venomous sidekick, Cheney, chose this past weekend of all weekends to have elective surgery to repair aneurisms in his knees? He’s about as much a man as you are, George. But opting for surgery looked better than taking cover in one of his palatial bunkers. It’s too bad they didn’t operate on his skull to let all the filth out, instead of his knees.”
    Where did you learn to debate? This is so lowbrow it doesn’t warrant a reply.

    “It’s interesting that some writers have suggested that Dubya is hitting the bottle again because his conscience is bothering him about the evil things he is responsible for”

    Again with the booze. Sources? I hope they are more objective than you, Ben.

    “To be sure, the list is long…9/11”

    What is the implication here? That Bush was responsible for 9/11? I’d like some clarification on this.

    “the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq”

    You are comparing apples and credenzas here Ben. Have you any idea what Afghanistan was like from about 1993 through to the time it was invaded?

    (It is worth noting is that a number of countries (Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Russia, Australia, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, etc.) felt the same as the "criminals" you call the U.S. administration.

    The United Nations Security Council adopted resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1333 (2000), in which the U.N. imposed an air embargo and froze Taliban assets in an attempt to force them to hand over Osama bin Laden for trial after the 1998 embassy bombings. Even the most dovish observers recognized that this murderous regime was not going to comply with the U.N. resolutions. The Taliban refused to co-operate.

    Here are some top line things to chew on:

    The Taliban didn’t allow girls to go to school or work outside the home.
    Women who dared leave their homes without a male relative did so at the risk of being beaten or shot by officers of the "Ministry for the Protection of Virtue and Prevention of Vice."
    Women caught wearing nail polish may have had their fingertips chopped off.
    Women were frequently subjected to public beatings.
    Public executions became regular events at Afghan soccer stadiums.
    Frivolous activities like kite flying, playing chess or cards were outlawed.
    The Taliban banned the use of the Internet, computers, movies and musical instruments after declaring them against Islamic law.
    Religious minorities were forced to wear tags identifying themselves.

    I could go on.

    Keep in mind that those are just the human rights atrocities — I haven’t even made mention yet of the fact that this thugocracy was recognized as Afghanistan’s legitimate government by only three nations in the world, and that it allowed terrorist organizations to run training camps in its territory from 1994 to at least 2001, churning out tens of thousands of jihadists.

    So, don’t we, that is you and I, have some sort of moral obligation to stop tyranny like that described above? Prior to the invasion, less than one million kids were in school, and only 1 percent was female. Now, over 5 million Afghan kids are in school, 40% of them are female. Is this not significant progress? Over 3 MILLION displaced Afghani refugees have returned to their homeland to help build a country and a future now that the Taliban are gone. Is this not progress Ben? Women can walk free and have jobs and go to school. Is this not progress Ben? Would this have happened without a coalition ousting the Taliban Ben?

    Are you telling me that we, that is the coalition, should have done nothing? Turn a blind eye? Are you railing against this progress? What did you and your ilk do to improve things in Afghanistan? Were you marching on Washington? No. You weren’t Ben. Do you even care about the plight of the people of Afghanistan Ben, or do you just hate Bush so much you’ll let the Afghani people suffer?

    And what about this quote, where you blame W for “failing to provide the money needed to reinforce the levees around New Orleans”

    Again with the blame Bush first, think second mentality. You realize that Clinton did the same thing, right? And Bush’s daddy before him? And Regan before that? Pretty selective memory you’ve got there.

    “No, a stroke of conscience isn’t what is causing George to drown himself in booze.”

    Lame the first three times, only getting lamer Ben.

    “Like all criminal psychopaths-and this psychopath in the White House happens to be a serial killer and war criminal-he’s afraid of getting caught. He knows the day of reckoning is coming and he is trying to relieve his anxiety with alcohol and pills.”

    Um, no. Saddam was a criminal and a psychopath. The Taliban were criminals and psychopaths. Bush is an idiot. Big difference. And again with the booze and the pills. So very weak and lame.

    “Yes, George, the day of reckoning is coming and you may have hastened it by allowing Cindy to be arrested. No denials, please. You are responsible for her arrest. You could have prevented it by telling the US Park Police that under no circumstances was she to be touched.”

    So now W should change - no *break* - the rules for Sheehan? Give me a break. Please, try to be consistent for once in this “article”

    I suggest you find a new hobby. Not only are you very poor at this, and often very inaccurate, you will also develop some health conditions if you continue to hysterically hyperventilate.

    My closing thoughts on Sheehan:

    I’ve got no issue with protesting. It is healthy and sound and something Iraqi’s and Afghani’s could only dream of under their tyrannical regimes. I’ve got no issue with Sheehan’s grief or anything else. I do take issue with her message. Yes Cindy, troops do need to come home. When the job is done.

    Quotes like these from ABC’s Nightline on March 15:

    “Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know full well that my son, my family, this nation and this world were betrayed by George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con PNAC agendas after 9/11. We were told that we were attacked on 9/11 because the terrorists hate our freedoms and democracy … not for the real reason, because the Arab Muslims who attacked us hate our middle-eastern foreign policy.”

    Sorry Ben, but that is just so wrong on so many levels.


    • My dear JB

      That was a good rebuttal to the arguments placed by the detractors of this administration. It was well thoughtout and organized and lastly it was civil. It has been my experience that so many cannot disagree without resorting to insult and profanity.

      Your postion though genuine misses the mark. Yes, it is true thar Mrs. Sheehan did agree with the president at one point it wasn’t until Mr. Bush made the statement that Iraq was a noble cause that she changed her tack. Since then her position has been one of wishing to ask the president what is the noble cause her son and so many others have died for.

      I cannot believe that you can look at the photos of all of the death and destruction in Iraq and call it a noble cause. No sane person could. From 1945 until the fall of the Soviet Union America spent 5 trillion dollars on defense systems to thwart any attack or assualt upon us. Are we to believe that this most horrific war machine could not hold at bay one tiny little country whose most sophisticated delivery system for wmd’s was cardboard and duct tape drones?

      No my friend I do not and will not believe you are that blind.

      "When you love say not, ’ God is in my heart.’ But say rather I am in the heart of God ". Kahlil Gibran


  • Test

    Is there a limit to the lenght of messages? I’ve posted a long message twice and it has no appeared. Will this work?

  • One more thing - The "arrest me" protest had been planned and discussed with Washington area police and emails were sent to media organizations, outlining what would happen and when. Great reporting, Ben!

    • The author is a woman named Bev

    • I swore I saw "Ben" before. Still, it doesn’t detract from any of my points. Bev, Ben - whomever it was dropped a written turd and disappeared, unable to defend it in any way. Thanks for noticing my mistake. Cheers!

  • How stupid can YOU be?

    • jaw bone Bush here, Yes I orchestrated 911 to launch the PENAC. World oil supply has peaked and all of you had better understand that we must dominate the middle east for this reason. Better us than the russians. cindy crybaby sheann’s brat is simply a expendible comodity such as cattle. just like the 3,000 head of cattle that died on 9-11. Yes I lied so what the means justify the ends. Also I will tell you a secret we have anticipated mass revolt from the herd. and we have set up internment camps thru-out the US done by your friends at FEMA. this is where we thin the herd so to speak hehehehehe. there will be a economic collapse in this country we the elite will know when it will be. Fear not when we link social security to the stock market then we will collaspe it. ta ta