Home > Steno-Journalists whip up War Fenzy : Will America ever wake up ?

Steno-Journalists whip up War Fenzy : Will America ever wake up ?

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 18 January 2006

Nuclear Wars and conflicts International

Lost in all the fury over the Iranian (N)on- Crisis ,are facts that can not be refuted , but are being ignored by the glorified stenographers (The MSM) who value money, prestige and the giddiness of proximity to power over the old values of fealty to truth , and genuine love of country - not the poisoned jingoism the PNAC gang have so effectively exploited to secure support for their decidely non-patriotic agenda. Here are the repressed facts : 1) The latest US intelligence estimate claims that the Iranians , if they pursued a nuclear weapons programme, are 10 years away from having the requisite technical capabilty to build the BOMB . 2) The British government sponsored think tank , The International Institute for Security Studies , claims it will take Iran between 10 and 15 years to build the BOMB. There is no evidence they are pursuing this course. 3) The MSM stenography pool claims that Iran’s ongoing attempts to build nuclear power plants is a violation of the of the non-proliferation treaty, of which it is a signatory country. There is nothing illicit about pursuing this goal. Far from it , Article 4 of the NPT declares that each signatory country has an "unalienable right" to use atomic energy for peaceable purposes. They are not violating international law. 4) The Iranians offered a proposal to the "EU3" (West Germany, Great Britain and France) that would provide for unlimited IAEA inspections of all sites where the enrichment of uranium could possibly occur. You can’t hide such facilities under a pill box . You can’t hide the thousands of gas centrifuges necessary for the production of weapons grade fuel. 5) If the Iranians violate their agreement for unlimited 24/7 ,365 days per year IAEA inspections at all possible sites where a nuclear weapons programme could be hiding , there would be ample time for the international community to respond. 6) The Iranians , routinely stereotyped as crazed madmen, have not invaded another country since 1736. 7) It is Western backed middle eastern allies , Israel and Pakistan, that refuse to sign the NPT. In fact it is the current policy of this administration to aid and abet the proliferation network of Pakistan , the so called AQ Khan network. In fact , Herrs Rumsfeld and Cheney aided and abetted that network going back to the times of their mispent youth as "boy wonders" of the Ford Administration.