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> Ex-U.N. Inspector: Decision Already Made To Attack Iran

19 March 2006, 04:30

Of one thing we may be certain: The powerful Neocons in the United States are NOT dumb. I can testify for the American public that they are extremely bright men, superbly devious, and totally without ethics or morals when it comes to war. They have one supreme goal, the expansion of Israel, and this end justifies any and all means, including mass murder. Because of this blinding obsession, one thing a conscience is sorely lacking in their mental makeup: but for war they have lots of imagination.

The US arsenal and the US military will have no problem with Iran and Syria at all. It is already a done deal.

What in fact will happen is this: Israel will attack the Iranian nuclear sites, with the USA permitting overflight of Iraq for that purpose. Iran will retaliate – but not against Israel – it will attack the ships and armed forces of the United States in the region.

The American people will wake up one morning and it will be done. Then the Iranians will attack our 5th Fleet and we will take losses. The Pentagon will already know this. The American people will feel outraged and threatened just like after 9/11. They will DEMAND we retaliate against Iran...they will not care what justification Iran had. They will want to KILL. And when we use Nukes on Iran everyone in the United States will CHEER. And the whole world will get under the table.

Now, here is the interesting part of the Neocon plan. Iran’s “unprovoked” retaliatory attack on the sailors and soldiers of the United States will be so devastating, so deadly, and so effective, that Bush will immediately be able to call the entire country to war against Iran, (including a forced draft,)

Iran right now is assembling enough fissile material for a single test. They are racing all out right now to produce an atomic bomb. They will be working around the clock for the next couple of months because that is about all the time they have. They will detonate that single bomb in the Indian Ocean and it will be targeted on the American Fleet.

First use by Iran...against America. They will lash out at Iraq as well, and Qatar and Saudi also in all probability. The entire world will witness Iran attacking and using an Atomic FIRST when they do. The entire Arab world will witness Iran using missiles against the Arabs all around its borders. Fellow Moslems.

And there wont be a single voice raised in protest when the United States uses nukes to obliterate Iran in a single day.

What was it Abujibberjabber said about wiping Israel off the map? Ah, but Allah will save Iran from the wicked NeoCons?