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> Ex-U.N. Inspector: Decision Already Made To Attack Iran

12 August 2006, 17:31

The powerfu Neocons are so bright that they created the utter failures in Iraq and in the US’ Middle East policy. That’s real bright! Brightness and stupidity can easily cohabit as has been demonstrated time and time again throughout history. The Neocons have decided to "create their own reality", ignoring reality itself. They live in a dark dream world of their own that refuses reality and logic. Hence their numerous failures, past, present and future.

As for the US arsenal and the US military having no problem with Iran and Syria, I think you’re dreaming. See my post below which begins with "A rather simplistic and most incomplete analysis.", in which I mention, among other things, that Iran can field some 100,000 well trained and fanatic Pasdaran elite troops and probably close to a million regulars.