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> How We Can Save America: A Practical Solution

23 February 2006, 00:09

I am sorry to say that I have come to the following conclusion:

The American People are the problem.

I wish you luck in replacing the hideous republicrat nexus which rules Washington, but it will not solve the base problem, namely, that the USA is - and always has been - a nation which relies on theft, murder, lies, war, and genocide to survive and thrive.

Your Consitution was written by apparently insane persons who would with one breath utter words like "all men are created equal" but then turn around and write a document which secured rights for the smallest minority on the continent - white land-owning men. It’s been a scam from day one, and that is why your Congress is not worth fighting for. Whether "constitutional" or not, the American record since WWII has been exceedingly evil - simply ask the familes of 3 million dead in Vietname, 2 million dead in Korea, 2 million dead in Cambodia, 250,000 dead in El Salvador, 250,000 dead in Guatemala, 1/3 of the population of East Timor dead, 1.5 million dead in Iraq due to sanctions, and the list goes on and on and on.

The ignorance of the American people should be revealed for what it is - WILLFUL ignorance - the kind of ignorance that says "if the truth is believed, we will lose everything."

Overthrow not only your government, but your mindset, your culture - everything about you which says you deserve to rule the planet and consume 1/4 of its resources. THAT is the only way you will save the good parts of America.