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> How We Can Save America: A Practical Solution

27 February 2006, 03:22

The answer is in finding the common ground among the common people, making it as simply stated as possible in a short preferably one page treatise, or political manifesto.

A central organising committee is only in place to co-ordinate the efforts of the whole and ensure the candidates are vetted, for intention, limited to one per district or whatever and given the support of the central grass roots movement.

The movement itself must commit to transparency and dis-endorse publically any candidate before or after the election who fails to abide by the spirit of the movement. Candidates shall be everyday people, anyone who will swear to uphold the stated goals of a document which states as clearly and simply the ideals of the common man. They must be honest about who they are, ie, admit and crimial record, which should not even disqualify one. I have a crimianl record, yet I would be as god a candidate as you could want.

Last but not least is this. The candidates should eschew, up front, major monetary renumeration.

Set a basic fair salary for the job of overseeing the people’s national enterprise and union, and again via transparency sought by the committee for oversight of the common man’s candidates. This movement would be completely powerless, outside of it’s role as overseer of it’s own representatives. The only step required by the movement in order to bring any corruption or self interest to heel however, would be a public dis-endorsement.

The problem would be eliminated almost certainly at the next election.

There may be no need to limit the terms of any candidate either, maybe. The good and wise, the talented and competant would be able to remain as long as they served efficiently and wished to. The poeple are not really voting for candidates at all you se, to them the actual candidate would be immaterial, thus eliminating not only expensive campaigns for people, but also the fertile ground of character assassination and media manipulation which is how the most wealthy parties winm now. The only thing the people would need to know was the candidate for their common man’s representative.

There are a number of doofuses on this thread who have failed to understand the first idea that this is about 435 candidtaes, not one individual who will battle alone.

Don’t go all kneejerk about needing experienced and qualified candidates.

With a trained monkey for a president as you have now, and with the sort of incompetance and total lack of integrity you now have, even taking the first 435 illegal immigrants who cross the border during the next five minutes and awarding them a seat in congress would give a better outcome than you have now, probably.

There is one question which is hovering un asked but real.

Will there even be another election as such? There are some appearances that the Shrub may be going to install himself for life, or at least his predecessor.

Even hoping for a free and honest election may be pissing into the wind at this stage of course.

In the words of some of your more pragmatic citizens whom I happen to know,

"Keep your powder dry"

I think you’ll be needing it.