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27 April 2006, 01:50

A huge part of our history has been just that: HIStory. It has been a violent story told by a left-brain patriarchy that has chosen to ignore the right-brain feminine aspect of themselves, based on some idea of God creating the female second and that they were the original sinners. That unbalanced choice has led to a history of violence that has ultimately led to the heartless demise of our earth, THE feminine. If you ignore something long enough, it will die.

The most deafening silence has been the silence of women, the silence of the Feminine....silence wrought from generations of collective rape, torture, beatings, burnings, shamings,maimings and mutilations. Global disregard for the female is reflected in the way that our Mother continues to be raped, tortured, mutilated, burned and maimed for profit. Where’s the outrage? Why isn’t there a single culture that honors women? If there is one, I’d really like to know because I want to go there......just to experience what that feels like.

We are doomed, unless we get conscious really fast and develop stategies to CONNECT with eachother. We’ve been brainwashed to disconnect with T.V., i-pods, gameboys and gadgets. Heartlessness, depression and despair are setting in as a result.

Our eyes can be our best weapons. Instead of disregarding eachother, how about consciously trying to connect with our eyes and send eachother some good vibes wherever we are? Eye contact and a smile are very healing. Try it. Even you folks who live in New York! It could be a great way to end your loneliness. Connection cancels genocide.