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> Join Cindy Sheehan at Camp Casey 2 in Washington DC

12 July 2006, 17:40

Apparently Mr. O’Donnell’s job description states that he must defend this atrocious President, the most unpopular President in recent US history, even more unpopular than Richard Nixon, come hell or high water.
Since when is criticizing a President’s foreign and domestic policy ’trashing’ the President?
Here are some questions Cindy should have asked this paid White House mouth piece, who obviously believes that being an American journalist is being an apologist for the White House:

Are Americans mandated to ’love’ their President? Is this mandate in the US Constitution?
Are you, Mr. O’Donnell, implyng that a President of the United States is entitled to the same kind of reverence, even veneration, that monarchist rulers demand of their subjects? Is that what we have become, Mr. O’Donnell, a nation of subjects who should put up and shut up when any issue of vital importance has been decided by our mighty ’DECIDER’, and any criticism of his acts is tantamount to treason?
Are you an absolutist or a believer in autocracies, Mr. O’Donnell?
Do you believe that the American people in general have no right what so ever to openly criticize and even disparage this grossly corrupt and incompetent President?
Do you Mr. O’Donnell even believe in freedom of speech or even of the press, for that matter?
I think not.
I think you only believe in money, money and more money, and your patriotism is no deeper than your bank account. Cindy Sheehan is a real patriot, Mr. O’Donnell, whereas you are only a paid goon.
A well paid goon, I might add, waiting on more perks and privileges to come your way now that you’ve done your bit in trashing and ridiculing a member of the anti-war movement.
Don’t kid yourself in thinking you’re a journalist.
The whole country believes that your lot are worse than Congressmen. The last Zogby poll states that Americans found the US mass media to be even more untrustworthy than either the President you defend so much or that other den of vipers, the US Congress.