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> LIBAN:Global Diabetes Epidemic Caused By Depleted Uranium

29 August 2006, 09:16

It gets worse.

The uranium in the weapons turns into uranium gas when used according to instructions. It is actually radioactive weaponized ceramic uranium oxide gas and aerosols.

The complete life span of radioactive uranium gas is a breathtaking 45 Billion years.

The senior military and political leaders in the United States, the United Kingdom and Israel knew it when they approved massive use of this Genocidal Weapon in Central Asia and the Middle East.

These so-called "leaders" have killed us all and we do not even know it yet. This is the biggest War Crime in the history of the world. If it is the last thing we humans do, they must all be tried as War Criminals. along with the managers of the US Nuclear Programs, the Administration of the University of California - the University that poisoned the world.

They are all psychopaths obsessed with killing all people in Central Asia and the Middle East.

Bob Nichols
Correspondent, SFBV