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Troops Want Out; End the War or Serve the State

2 February 2007, 20:16

Please pass this note on to Cindy Sheedan;

Cindy Sheehan,, well now being that her son did ’2’ tours it suggest that he would ’not’ be very proud of her. "Mercenaries" great since of American pride,,I guess.

During ’Peace Time’ (If ever we had it) we lose 950 men and women per year on average.

After 5 years the ratio is well in gear to suggesting we are doing a good job to a very hard problem.

Cindy Sheehan is a drop backward even //further// of Jane Fonda, never really done much for her country other than bitch about it. Maybe a little self discipline would help but its gone just to far for her now, as she is what we use to call in battle ’All IN’.

In Vietnam their was 1 KIA every 16 seconds this war is a far cry from that, please don’t even compare it with the Korea or WW2 wars, where we had 452,000 MIA’s in W2.

No we can also mention something, such as the El Salvador wars 75-77 (This was my conflict). Somewhere from 500-800K South Americas lost their lives in this Civil war. This today is not even mention much in history today,, (Carter was our commander back then). And we in the field never even heard a thing from him. Oh forgot we too were not suppose to be there.

Victory what’s that.. you as well as many others do not know what the word means because most today such as Cindy Sheehan believes Peace ’just happens’ or just takes place by Gods will.

She is one of the most ’hurtful persons" I have seen in a long time, and in the end when its over, and yes Wars do end as this one will (study the 5 C continuum of war). Cindy will be come just another dead person inside not having a nation to love, because its that respect she has thrown away for fame and some fortune.

You will find her in the end, hating everything that’s does not agree with her, history is full of them. You can even see in this writing here (if she wrote it at all) the Media is now her enemy and a long pass ex president. Funny how Yogi Berra came into this place, I play ball in school with his son Dale and my father today still bowls with Yogi sometimes. Yogi hit Ohma beach in W2 doest talk about it much as all of us in combat never do. I can tell you one thing Yogi would not give her the time of day.

"Inept leaders" well Cindy what makes you an expert on combat we should just all roll over and play your way because of your dead son. You know better...as ’you’ think. but you know what? Many others have lost much more than dead sons in conflict’s and wars , some have lost entire families as they did in El Salvador and we stop it from getting a lot worst.

Cindy would have let Hitler become the leader of the entire world, she would have never done a thing to people like Saddam Hussein, just maybe if it were possible she could live in Saddam Hussein’s world with her son and see just how long she and her son would have lasted without America interfering.

Grow up and I hope she reads this, because ’your son’ would be ashamed of you as to what you have done to his name.

We all get our 15 minutes// Andy.