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Full video of Saddam Hussein execution - Robert Fisk: He takes his secrets to the grave. Our complicity dies with him

4 January 2007, 00:04

I’m so tired of hearing how the USA and Britain armed this man so therefore he is a victim now that he is dead. Give me a friggin’ break.

Let us look at Saddam rationally without resorting to some whacked-out conspiracy theory that the CIA alone armed and made Saddam into the monster that he was. While he was rising to power in Iraq, he did so on his own free will. Believe it or not, but Saddam wasn’t just a mindless sponge that reacted to just what the USA said and did, he was a brutal man who made choices of his own free will. Apparently people in this world believe that everyone else on the planet, besides the USA and Britain, are incapable of making their own choices. And if they do make choices which are bad, well hell, it has to be the USA’s fault! If only Saddam hadn’t had any kind of contact with the USA, well he would be a nice sweet man. He never ever would have started a war, killed innocent people on purpose, and gassed the Kurds. Ahhh...bless his little pea-picking heart. Those mean Americans are so much more fun to blame for problems on this planet, than it is to blame those that are truly walking evil....like Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the Somalia Islamic army, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Fatah. When was the last time any of those countries or groups offered aid to tsunami or earthquake victims? Hmmm.... The USA, along with a lot of other Western nations, offered monetary and medical aid to the Iranian earthquake victims several years ago, the West sent over millions and millions of dollars to the ungrateful and violent Palestinians who hate our guts, and the West continues to provide humanitarian assistance to any poor Muslim nation when a natural disaster occurs. The West is truly evil indeed sending aid to these people that was created by capitalism.

My point is that Saddam wasn’t a puppet of the USA and Great Britain. He made his bed, and he is lying in it now. He made the choice to not leave Iraq and have his country invaded. He, and he alone, was responsible for the atrocities that he commited. Many European nations are allied with China and Russia for oil and trade, and those two nations commit horrible crimes against their people, but you never, EVER see this Web site or leftists talk about how Europe is pulling the strings of Putin and Hu Jintao and making them kill independent journalists and poisioning Kremlin critics and forcing women to have abortions! Putin and Hu Jintao are not robots, they are evil men who do evil things to their people.

Why is there only one viewpoint that leftists have of what ails this world? Not every problem comes from the West. Stop with this need to blame the USA for what others do on their own. Hold those people like Saddam, Putin, Robert Mugabe, and others accountable for the acts they commit!

Before I sign off, I want to share with you all an observation of mine. Time and time again the most horrible crimes against humanity occur in nations where the economic and political systems come from worker/socialist/communist/religious revolutions. Stalin, killed millions with his "Great Purge" when many people starved to death or were forced to group farms in order to make Russia an Industrial nation, North Korea’s leader professes that the communist dream of everyone being equal still lives on in his country, but many of his people are starving while he is driving luxury cars, and let us not forget Pol Pot who relocated millions and killed three million for his quest for a "pure" communist state. Most of the time you won’t see these things in a capitalistic democracy, with some exceptions of course, so that leads me to believe that one is better than the other.

So in closing, my suggestion, is to feel free to disagree with the USA and Great Britain on foreign policy, to hate President Bush, etc., but don’t become mindless Bush and USA hating robots that begin to feel sorry for the deaths of dictators who did just plain evil things to others who disagreed with their foreign policies.

On behalf of myself and all of Saddam’s victims, I hope he is rotting in hell.

Texas Girl