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Full video of Saddam Hussein execution - Robert Fisk: He takes his secrets to the grave. Our complicity dies with him

13 January 2007, 01:12

This is why I’m against the death penalty. I remember the smug look Timothy McVeigh took to the grave with him. He knew secrets behind the Oklahoma City bombing that he was (patriotically?) proud to take to the grave with him. Perhaps some of these facts will surface in the coming Terry Nichols case, perhaps not. Most of what Saddam Hussein took to the grave with himself would only be confirmation of what Internet readers today already know, about that censored part of American/Iraqi history. I just think maybe our war criminal in office should meet a similar demise. Actually I think we should stick Bush in Prison for his crimes and parade him around occasionally during parole hearings to make fun of him. If we are going to hang Bush in the end for his war crimes, however we should also film it so we can at least be amused to watch him wet his pants when the noose goes over his neck. I got to hand it to Soddam. He took his death like a man.