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Pres. Bush, DeLay, Perle and others are collaborators against the American people

21 March 2007, 03:17

Delay-"Well, I-it,it is my opinion that when you go to war, we ought to all come together." Yes, yes, let’s all come together to sing wonderful patriotic hymns and wave our little made in China flags, as the 500 pound bombs fall on hundreds and hundreds of thousands of non-combatant women and kids, and our own loved ones die, so they can have the wonderful freedom, and liberation from their bodies and eyes and limbs, and prosperity with McDonalds and Wal-marts on every corner some day and values real American good ol values of hard work, and they will no longer have to be burdened with having to fuss over all of that nasty, nasty, oil, we will help them to liberate it as well, yes let’s just come together as one big happy family, for you see they love us in the streets there, they wave and throw flowers and candy at our soldiers because of the wonderful life we have given them since we took out our evil puppet, ere.. tyrant Saddam.

Delay"You’ve got to fight that war to win". Yes, you have to fight to win once of course you figure out what winning is, is it when the last man quits shooting, say maybe somewhere in the year 2025, or perhaps never, is that what Cheney means by wars that won’t end in our lifetime, because really that is the total objective of the so called war simply to keep it going indefinately, to milk the treasury for all it’s worth, and who exactly is this war against anyway, women and kids, or have several hundred thousand simply been killed by bad aim, and if not isn’t this really genocide like was practiced against the native americans whose land and resources were the real reason for the war against the native so- called "terrorists".

I DO support our troops and YES you ask most of them what kind of REAL SUPPORT they would rather have some flag waving sideways talking BS spouting criminal like DElay, or some REAL AMERICAN PATRIOT willing to take shit from people like Delay--- and all the other war-mongering LIARS who KNOW what this war is REALLY for—OIL/Israel/bases/ $$$$$$$---who are working tirelessly to try and GET THEIR ASSES HOME! I bet I know what Support they REALLY Want!