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7 April 2007, 05:24

You’re right, in a way. I run into all kinds of groups, sub-groups, subsets of sub-groups, and people simply grouped based upom perceived likenesses, and yes, many people whom we might toss in to the category of "those who call themselves Christians" can be as uniformed and prejudicial as the next"group". In reality though the label "Christians" might easily be as diverse of a group as "jews" or "wiccans" or "blacks" or "women" or "men" or "democrats" or "liberals" or.... you get the idea. Don’t forget as "narrow minded" as *some* so called "x-ians" can be, the NWO Crowd wants to DESTROY even "christianity", it is a *threat* to their TOTAL taker of EVERY "competing" thing. Don’t forget HONEST PRACTICING CHRISTIANS will be one of the groups the NWO will attack because many Christians I know Personally will NEVER accept, of their own free will, the "Mark of The BEAST" system amd technology like 24/7 cradle to grave VERICHIP implanted mindless GODLESS (whatever your view of ’god’) commercial,worshipping of the ONe World TOTALTITARIAN System of The *Anti-Christ*.

Many so called "non-Christians" I think sell many so called "Christians" short not realizing there are many, many, many, very enlightened parts of that "group" (label)— depending I guess where you draw the boundries— of that set or subset. People that "attack " groups or labels or subsets need to try and be as accurate as they can, so they don’t simply look like they are promoting, even unintentionally, *prejudicial* thinking. It’s hard.The trick I think is to try one’s best to identify the *behavior* that is troublesome , rather than say perhaps focusing upon a hard to define group. It’s a fine line and I realize again it’s often hard to separate the "behavior" from the person or "group". The main thing left I guess, is to realize there are many people of all groups that are decent ,caring, peace loving, wonderful neigbors many are not. I’ll look for the good ’christians" and praise them for their aid to humanity,just as I’ll rail against those who preach hatred, murder, and assassination of their fellow man and woman. Peace,all.
