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Oh, The Outrage! A Country Falling Apart.

20 April 2007, 01:51

The USA is in fact falling apart. I know. I live here.
As goes the Empire, so goes the UbberLand.
As the Empire crumbles, so does the Core.

If you wish to lubricate the fall of the USA, do this:

Trade in your dollars.
Trade them for Gold, Silver, Euros, other Currencies, Potoatos, Rice, Lumber, Land, anything.

Refuse to accept them.
Refuse to hold them.
Refuse them.

This is the only way to reduce the USA to a "normal" counrty.

The power to do so is in your hands.

STOP buying American products.
STOP lending America Money.
STOP accepting dollars as payment.

ONLY when the Majority of people STOP accepting US Dollars, will America become a "normal" nation.

Until then, you who accept US Dollars as payment, also have blood on YOUR hands.