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"Good Riddance Attention Whore"

2 June 2007, 07:44

Who BOTH parties serve is not ONLY corporate, military,industrial complex but NWO and AIPAC TOO! But certainly they do NOT serve us taxpayer’s or middle or poor classes but AIPAC and NWO and they serve Israel instead of America and majority are out and out traitors, and worse, period! Anyone who still believes people in BOTH parties are NOT in bed with each other is living in lala land! Hell, Both Bush’s and both Clinton’s go on vacation together! All the BOGUS so called "fighting" is for SHOW for sheeple and masses, when push comes to shove, THEY ALL VOTE THE WAY DICTATOR BUSH WANTS THEM TO! ALL OF THEM! WAKE UP SHEEPLE! NWO IS RUNNING AND RUINING NOT ONLY AMERICA BUT WORLD TOO! PURE EVIL, SATAN WORSHIPPER’S THEY ARE! Cindy, you put up with alot! America or most of it anyway, failed not only you but your son and thousands others! So glad you finally came on board for 9-11 truth movement! Told you they were both connected and that 9-11 truth movement did not take away from anti-war movement but added to it! Natural allies! Once people realize 9-11 was an inside job they are immediately anti-war!