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"Good Riddance Attention Whore"

20 July 2007, 20:37

I for one feel very sorry for this very confused woman. I can’t imagine her pain at losing her son, but I also can’t imagine why she would want to wrap her arm around a dictator either who is an ally of Iran, who in turn is supplying the VERY weapons and manpower for the insurgency WHO KILLED HER SON!!

One of the prevailing themes that come from leftists, such as yourselves, is this desire to help all oppressed people. Nothing wrong with that at all. However, the war in Iraq’s aim is to keep radical Islam from spreading its viral sickness all over the Muslim world, and Allah willing (sarcasm), even into the West.

If there is one group in Iraq that is responsible for the oppression and the killings of innocents, it isn’t the West, it is RADICAL ISLAMOFASCISTS!!!!! These Taliban loving nut jobs don’t care about any of the rights that you guys fight for...equal opportunities for all....surely their brutal treatment of women would be evidence enough to show you that Radical Islam is the world’s enemy and not Bush?

Is your blind hatred of Bush keeping you from seeing who is REALLY THE BAD GUY? Complete submission to Allah will surely be something you help bring about in the West if you don’t call for the Islamic terrorists to stop brutalizing people!!! Stand up to these terrible people who use children as suicide bombers, who kill their young women for falling in love with a man not from her village, and who use their bodies as weapons to bring about governmental change instead of the more humane way of VOTING!!!

Cindy, bless her heart, is one of the people that Islamofascists LOVE! She is just an instrument to be used to divide and conquer the West. Not only is Al Qaeda my enemy, but it is hers as well. And what is sad, is that she can’t see that. She only sees Al Qaeda as being an enemy of Bush and Cheney, and since she hates them, then in her twisted mind, Al Qaeda and the "Freedom Fighters" can’t be all that bad and must be pitied as victims of American imperialism.

Remember that the Iraqis are BEING KILLED not only by other Iraqis who want a brutal Islamic state mirrored after Iran, but by Saudi Arabians, Moroccans, Egyptians, Afghans, Algerians, Iranians, etc! See a pattern here? Muslims are killing other Muslims and the West is getting blamed for it!!!

Several years ago the West sent over aid to Iran after that horrible earthquake they had. If the West wants to harm Muslims like Cindy believes, why would be send aid in the first place? Nice, also how Iran captured those British sailors and humiliated them while completing forgetting the aid the West sent to help just a few years earlier.

What gross ungrateful people, radical Muslims are.

Texas Girl