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Robert Fisk: Even I question the ’truth’ about 9/11 (video)

10 October 2007, 13:51

I have seen no credible evidence that "bin laden" ever left the employ of the CIA, and that he was "deep cover" seems very very likely, in fact Agance France Press widely reported (though denied by TPTB) the FBI met with him only months before 9-11. MY guess is he helped INSIDERS to set up 9-11 to be used for PNAC’s OPENLY stated *desire* for a "New Pearl Harbor" that would help swing Americans in line behind their push to seize Full control of Mideast oil fields. I think the REAL "conspiracy theory" is the rediculous "box cutter" story the gullible sheep are being fed. In any case it is laughable to believe that whatever hit the Pentagon was a large commercial plane, the millions of us who saw the first pictures (even posted on a military website) show there was NO plane wreckage, very little damage, a small hole that looked like either a missle or bomb caused it, and a lawn that wasn’t even disturbed etc. etc.

There is ZERO doubt in anyone’s mind that has really taken the time to watch WTC7 IMPLODED and the twin towers certainly which faired no differently that that is a SCAM. Those in our own intel services and our military that are now calling the "offical" conspiracy theory put out by the White House spin machine and the 9-11 commsion report a JOKE are right on the money, it is SICK joke, impossible for anyone with even a degree of analytical skill to take seriously, the lies and distortions by this criminal administration just keep getting deeper and deeper and deeper. And the MILLIONS of us who KNOW share a Bigger concern that IF they get away as they have for yeasr with 9-11 ACT I what is to stop them from 9-11 ACT II to be used to further increase their war on the world and on their own American people?