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ALBERT GORE : AN ECOLOGIST ??? The Gore-Lieberman Record on Nuclear Energy Issues

14 October 2007, 06:11

Hundreds of COAL FIRED ethanol plants have been built or are being built in the US in the last 5 years. With the proper approval for the building of the above mentioned plants, coal fired power plants can not be a problem with global warming or these ethanol plants would not have been built.

CHEMTRAILS are being sprayed by white jets in every state on a daily basis without the consent of the people. Since the start of the CHEMTRAIL use our waters, our land and our people have a lesser quality of life.

Nuclear Energy is not needed. The waste has to be disposed of somewhere and those somewheres pollute our earth. Wind turbines and other earth friendly sources are needed.

Scientists are stating that Global Warming is natural. Chemtrails are not natural and need to be stopped ASAP.