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Don’t Americans want to know who killed JFK and who was really behind 911?

22 December 2007, 01:24

Patriots with the means to defend themselves are not the problem. The problem is two fold: a corrupt government and cowards. The people who deny the truth are cowards as are the sycophants that were part of the operation. Anyone that profits from the war is an accomplice to the war crimes commited by elitest cowards. Most of the cowards I know are a mix of liberal and conservative, the only thing they have in common is they are cowards and they profit in some way from the results of the illegal war, it’s that simple. It’s very easy to look the other way when you make six figures a year from the war machine. Who wants to shut down the system that pays their salary? The entire US government is a criminal organization of thieves and, you guessed it, cowards! The gun owners and truther’s are our only hope, who else is going to defend you from the local SWAT cowards? Or Blackwater cowards? We believe in the US Constitution and you’re goddamned right we are heavily armed. We will not tolerate another Katrina operation from the government dope smuggler’s.