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It’s going to solve all major problems

23 January 2010, 22:45, by bero

This is a very very good thing - imagine the new business models it is going to create, and the new jobs that will come along with it.

Obviously not all companies care about all issues - e.g. the Blackwater senator doesn’t care about IP rights, while the Microsoft senator doesn’t care about war (unless the country being attacked mandates the use of Linux on government machines), and the Monsanto senator cares about neither of those just as long as GM food is made mandatory.

It will cause the creation of entire new departments in those companies, brokering the votes of senators in the "we don’t care" category! That means new jobs, and new revenues. The new revenues cause stock prices to go up. And of course what’s good for the economy is good for everyone, and anyone who wouldn’t agree with that is a communist.

It will also help fight terrorism - at least if you trust the propaganda, there’s an Al Qaeda terrorist lurking in every corner, and obviously they’ll want to buy their own senator. So we just have to do nothing and wait, we can arrest them all by simply arresting everyone on the payroll of Al Qaeda, Inc. as soon as they found it so they can buy a senator. It’s really a smart move, it must have come out of the genius brain of George W. Bush.

In order to really save the world’s problems, it just needs to be globalized - there wouldn’t be a need to wage wars anymore. Instead of nuking the Axis of Evil country of the day, we could buy it out and lay off all its employees, Of course, we’d need to find a way to do this one right to appease the Senators representing weapons companies, but if we’re creative about the ways of "laying off" enemy "employees", I’m sure they’ll be happy.

John McCain (Corp-AZ) seems to agree, he was spotted singing "Buy buy buy, buy buy Iran" on stage.