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An Argument for Raising the Minimum Wage

10 June 2014, 16:14, by Tom

Man - do you have a chip on your shoulder or what? You must have some evil rich friends that shoot the bull all day - all my successful friends just play poker and act like they are working...that’s how they went from minimum wage to rich.

It’s simple, you believe the government should dictate what someone should be paid and I believe someone should earn their pay. When govt forces a business to pay someone instead of letting the pay being agreed upon in the market place, you are forcing the business adapt (raise prices or cut profit).

As you know most businesses are small businesses - I don’t like the idea of cutting margins to the people who create the most jobs in America. Most will raise prices on the goods and services directly affecting the people you are advocating to help.

More jobs will help the poor - not raising the minimum wage.

For further support of not waging the minimum wage, please read the latest report from the CBO.