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> Learning from "Fahrenheit 9/11"

4 October 2004, 04:42

In 1935 a man in Europe said....."the world may reproach me with what it will; one reproach, however, it can never make...that I have vacillated in my views or been unfaithful in my work. This statesman went on to speak of his "invariable principles, and my unshakeable resolution...." regarding his relations with Great Britain.....A pundit whose name escapes me also said "Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds..." The European statesman is of course Adolf Hitler. Mr. Bush’s frightening fascist determination.....I am steadfast, he repeats....begging the question, steadfast in the service of what misguided, immoral principles? All Americans should fear a leader who cannot shoulder the burden of being wrong, and turning towards right. History is eloquent. alexandra in costa rica