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> Uptight Christian Women get 10 mill to teach Iraqi Women How to Shop and Pray

9 October 2004, 16:30

To suggest that Iraqi women should embrace radical feminism is culturally naive. In fact, what you percieve as a ridical right wing Christian feminine identity is far more liberated than what Moslem women have been experiencing around the world. This being the case they both share the same moral and scriptural foundation and as such the Christian effort to help women embrace democracy would be far easier to assimilate than a radical feminist postition. The Engel Scale,which measures the world-view gap between cultures suggests that such a position would be far healthier than what you would advocate. Besides, I do not think that radical feminism has contributed all that much to our culture either. While it has helped open up the workplace and greater financial equity it has contributed to the dissolution of the american marriage - and the ones who pay that price are children of broken homes. IN seeking, for the sake of female rights, to displace and marginalize masulinity and the interchangablility of a father in the family it has also resulted in preditory and unrestrained masculinity - the result of men who are marrying later or divorcing. Healthy Marriage moderates masculinity and foucuses its energy into the health of the family.

As far as the missionary activities you mention, you might want to do further study. A great many peoples around the world have been educated and recieved medical care from christians who have left the comfort of the west to live in disease infested and filthy conditions. Catholic missionsaries have lived with Lepers, and the marginalized. You exagerate the downside of some of the worst expressions of missionary zeal and fail to see and understand the historically positive role missionary activity has played over the last 2000 years. It is a pity that many radical feminists have not been able to think and study beyond what they have been fed by knowlege elites who have sold themselves to postmodern absurdities. There is so much more to the story, and so much more to God’s love for humanity (and you) than you have been exposed to.