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> Uptight Christian Women get 10 mill to teach Iraqi Women How to Shop and Pray

10 October 2004, 02:45

Hello - I am appalled that women already so connected to wealth and power, are pulling in more wealth and power. I am not sure exactly what they are "teaching" the women in Iraq - maybe they are not exactly sure either. But I do know that Jesus, on whose recorded words and actions Christianity is based, did advise us not to pursue wealth as a goal in life. In fact, he said it would be easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle, than for a wealthy person, by which I interpret to mean a person who dedicated their life to the pursuit of wealth at the expense of the well being of others, could enter the Kingdom - attain Nirvana - achieve enlightenment - however you choose to define a fulfilled and complete existance dedicated to loving and serving God/Higher Power/Creator, through loving and serving other beings. I also find it ironic that people who oppose abortion, even in cases of rape, call themselves "pro life", when they actively support war, war mongering, hate filled rhetoric, revenge, violence, and the use of mutagens such as depleted uranium in artillery and weapons aimed at other human beings, who are definitely alive. How are these women Christians, exactly ?