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> Who Killed Margaret Hassan?

18 November 2004, 18:51

The jumpsuits are a sick attempt to create a moral equivalency between murderers who would cut off the hands of those who feed them and the U.S. policy of not offering full benefits of its justice system to enemy combatants (a justice system which frees murderers every day and which allowed Ramsey Yusef to coordinate attacks from within prison.)

Judging by this poorly researched article and those who drink every claim in it as fact, such crude propaganda works. But it only works on those who are misinformed, who have a one-sided view of the U.S. and are predisposed to hatred of a diverse western nation as a monolithic evil. Isn’t it fortunate that every despot in the world can point to the U.S. and say "there is your problem", thus absolving themself from any responsibility for regional problems. Isn’t it possibly too convenient? Ah but you say that it is Americans, who only see one side. We who have access to every source from fox to bellacio, we who can read the writings of Buckely and Chomsky... yet you claim it is we who have a lopsided view of ourselves and those who hate us. Why do you fear that some will see your conspiracy theorys as conspiracy theorys? The truth is I’m open to many fact based critiques of U.S. foreign policy. Margarat Hassan was also critical of the U.S. and U.N. sanctions on Iraq but we now know that these were not the root cause of Iraq’s humanitarian suffering. Saddam siphoned over $20 billion from the food program for himself and to fund suicide bombers who believe in killing as many Israelis as possible. To use her death to furthur your anti-U.S. cause feeds into the nihlism which led to the deaths of so many innocents.

If you aren’t afraid of a different point of view which may convince you that you are drinking propaganda:

There are many other opportunities to criticize U.S. foreign policy which do have a basis in reality. Please do not use the death of this good woman to further your anti-American cause.