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> Was Gary Webb ’Suicided’ To Kill New Book?

30 December 2004, 04:17

Well, it has been just the last week that I have become aware of Gary Webb and his great work concerning the CIA, The Contras, and drugs in L.A....... and now his death! Two shots in the back of the head by a gun with a trigger that was apparently "very hard to pull"....... and then to find out that four journalists working on "Bush Stories" have commited suicide. Well, I am not a psychic, but I can add 2+2 and come up with 4. The whole thing smells to high heaven, and my bet is that CIA, etc. is in this thing up to their eyeballs! A prediction: This will all eventually lead to a congressional investigation and the impeachment of George Walker Bush. Just a few thoughts on the subject.