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> Kelly "suicide" WAS FAKED / Bush Rape Victim "suicide" WAS FAKED / UK Microbiologists - FAKED

30 December 2004, 13:01

"Kings" have, as long as man has been around, always killed off each and every threat to their position of power. Man is thereby demonstrating his rigid position in the animal world.(The only difference being that "Kings", of the species homo sapience, never perform the "execution" personally. They just issue the order ;-)

Hence, the disposal of a person like Gary Webb, ought to be looked upon as something natural in the world of human animals, and not with astonishment.

The only astonishing thing around this matter is, that there seems to be numerous people around, who refuses to accept this to be a mere fact of life !. I mean, I believe some of those who write, "Our "King" would not do such a thing", genuinly do belive in what they say. They are not all prostituted hobby journalists.

Gary Webb is just one brave man killed. Extremely bave, because he knew what he did was suicidal. One man among millions murdered by the leaders of the U.S. of A. over the last hundred years.

Being a Norwegian, I follow the US scene in amazement. Never has so many people been fooled by so few for so long. I undersood partly the brain washing, when charismatic leaders like Kennedy and Clinton are at the helm, but when puppets like Bush have the position ?

Could anybody out the offer me an answer to that ???