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> Gore Vidal on war for oil, politics-free elections, and the late, great U.S. Constitution

4 June 2005, 09:34

"The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself." Little did Roosevelt know when he delivered that speach, those words would be the Republican Party’s creed to destroy the American mind. Fear is everywhere. Americans now fear everything. Comically, while we are looking over our shoulders for the invisible enemy, the real enemy is destroying our lives. The media portrays our political igors as the the American saviors. Historically, in the last fifty years we can hardly wait until the next election, whereby we can reelect the same devils to worship.
Here in California, which is no different than any other American state, we fear the cost of education, teachers salaries, their pension costs, but when the utility companies come in and rape the state for billions that’s tolerable.
When the oil barons create havoc at the pumps, "Its the cost of doing business."
Americans will foot the bill, continue to worry about some created nickle and dime problem, then "Shazam" here come the utility and oil barons.
Wonder I must, if the 9/11 diaster was not only a know factor, but even a desired event. Today, we have an invisible enemy. Everything else is secondary. Every American is looking over their shoulder for a ghost while the friendly politician empties our wallets, before our eyes.
The Bill Of Rights, Constitution and everything this Country holds sacred is diappearing before our eyes, but who cares? Terrorism is everywhere. We are are looking everywhere for that enemy and still we are looking nowhere for that same devil.
We are a hypnotized Nation and "Big Brother loves it."