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> All We Want Is The TRUTH

12 April 2005, 15:23

Here’s your key quote:

James Garfield, one of our presidents, once said, "Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption.

I guess the American sheeple are very, very tolerant becasue the congress is as supine and corrupt as the executive branch.

All it takes to see how ignorant American people are is to go to any supermarket, mall or public place. You’ll find plenty of dim-witted Americans just about anywhere. Attend a Nascar event and you’ll be completely surrounded by thoughsands of them. America today consists of the stupidest population among developed countries. That’s why Americans will be paying $3.00 a gallon to pump gas into their fuel-inefficient SUV, Hummers and trucks. And when the bills are too much to handle they can pay an expensive lawyer to help them make the bills go away, except of course for taxes, credit card debt and mortgage debt, in other words, the majority of Americans will become slaves to the government, whatever that is. Nice country we used to have.