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> TV Anchors; field-marshals in the Information-war

30 July 2005, 19:27

I hail this article

I only wish other people beside the progressives were reading.

But unless we keep saying this.

Unless we keep thundering the message home there is no hope.

There might not be any hope anyway.

The only change might come about once the economic power of the U.S. is brought to its knees through an acceptance of its economic bankruptcy by the world.

(The absurdity of African, Central American and South American countries being dictated to by a bankrupt nation.)

And the shock of that bankruptcy as it ripples through the world’s economies....

China by buying U.S. bonds, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, all are keeping the U.S. afloat economically.

For what?

So America can keep killing, and keep buying goods with worthless signatures, (not even paper dollars) that they can never hope to return any value for, never hope to repay.

A billion dollars a day in U.S. bond purchases last I heard by China alone.

A billion dollars a day in what must at some point be acknowledged as completely worthless U.S. junk.

And we keep letting them have power over us?

You figure!