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> How The Republican Party Won Election But Lost Its Soul

26 August 2005, 22:01

Frankly, as a proudly progressive American and as a Jew, I take offense at the wrongheaded notion of the commentor on my piece that the United States is a "Zionist plutocratic regime." The U.S. supports Israel, which, considering the horrific exigencies of the 20th Century, was and continues to be a moral imperative. Worse, to suggest that my country has somehow been captured and controlled by a sinister cabal of Jewish bankers, is to hearken back to the same and dangerous and unsavory form of anti-Semitism that was promulagted in the 19th century by the Czarist secret police in Russia, which led to massacres throughout Eastern Europe, and then in the 20th by the Nazi’s, which led to the worst exterminations in human history. It is ironic and troubling that critics and enemies of Israel today are using these same vicious code words. You’d think at least they could come up with some thing new. Shame on you. Best, Richard Rapaport