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9 September 2005, 22:16

Bush is living in a fantasy world, occupied by angels, devils and Jerry FAlwell. He cannot distinguish reality from fantasy. HIs mind is that of a dry-drunk or egomaniac, probably affected by early debauches with alcohol, coke and sex, then indoctrinated into the worst excesses of Christianity with its rapture and apocalypse atmosphere, in which there is only good or evil, and Bush feels authorized by God himself to make those judgements. He has been wilingly duped into the neoconservative dream of world dominion, in which he becomes emperor of the world or struts or smirks his way to the applause of all Republicans. HIs inaction and carelessness in dealing with Katrina shows his incompetence as leader. All of the photo-ops carefully staged to show him handing out sandwiches or watching a crane at work are sheer public relations cynicism designed to exploit the gullible True Believers. He is shallow, inept, petulant, arrogant, egocentric and bullying. HOw anyone could possibly believe anything he says is a harbinger of an America gone to the dogs.