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10 September 2005, 06:44

I live in a small town of abou 5200 people in central Illinois. All of the permanent residences are White except for two families who are black. Then there are about 30 families who are migrant workers living in traliers during the "farming season".

The two black families keep to themselves and their kids do not play with the White kids because they are endlessly harassed. The Latino population does not atten school at any level.

All of the Whites who I attend church with are pro-Bush. The church annouunced that what will be giving to the Katrina victims is blood and there will be a blood drive in Rantoul (about 150 miles north).

No money is to be collected for the victims, nor is there to be any other activities on behalf of them other than the blood drive.

Only if you could hear there "Christians" after service about what has happenned in New Orleans, you would understand how bigotted America really is, just under the thin surface veneer.