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> The Great New Orleans Land Grab-The 17th Street Canal levee was breached on purpose

16 September 2005, 05:03

There are much easier ways to get other peoples land than flooding it and less costly. What makes land that is below sea level so valuable. New Orelans was a disater in waiting. What if Katrina never came along, the bad guys had every thing in place for 40 years waiting for a super storm. I guess they used the left over explosives to demolish Biloxi, Gulfport and all the other towns ravaged by Katrina. You conspiracy people are the ones that scare me.
The internet has made it much easier to spread BS rapidly. By the time FEMA gets through passing out the cash the poor people of New Orleans will probably wind up with more money than they ever had.
There has been more than one AP wire story that was totally bogus.
One more thought, the gobal conquest conspriacy that will enslave all Americans so the rich can get get richer. Does any of the conspriacy world conquest crowd understand how the rich and powerful got that way. Here’s a clue, because they provide goods or services that millions are willing to pay for. Car, gas, bank loans credit cards, etc. Now if the masses suddenly become slaves and work for nothing where is the money going to come from to purchase all the things that made the super rich. How much money would Britnay Spears have if there was no money to buy her CDs. How much money would Citi Bank have if no one had any money to repay the loans.
I’m retired and a long way from being rich but I survived becase some one with money financed the company I retired from.