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> The Great New Orleans Land Grab-The 17th Street Canal levee was breached on purpose

17 September 2005, 04:23

You stinking bush boot lickers are all alike,

The truth is in your faces this storm was enhanced by HARRP those levees were indeed blown...

There are eye witnesses you ignorant pigs let the bush regime get away with there crimes you never question nothing your so ready to lap there worthless asses...

It wasn’t so much the lad grab as it was getting rid of the low income mainly blacks they are now in other parts of the country...

Now! for the big reason population reduction from 6 billion to about half how will they do this plague yes, bubonic plague how will it get in to the population easy look at New Orleans a waste a sewer in most cases these people lived it for a few days now, those same people area where they are every where...

This can be put in the food, water, etc. more like injections that these people got for any diseases that may have gotten to them though the filth they lived in...

Just yesterday stuff that can cause the plague was stolen from the CDC nobody knows how now we have more security at the 7-11’s then they had at that place...

This is how it starts mass confusion people are willing to do anything to be safe and are all to willing to give up they liberty’s for well in the case food, water shelter etc.

It’s all part of the neo con nazi Zionist Jew pigs that have taken over Washington bush is only a puppet a stooge a fried brain low iq idiot that is a phony he is a psychopath a Hitler wannabe...

First they the neo con did 911 so they could roll out there quest for there new world order and invade two countries that had nothing to do with 911, those towers were take down with explosives they blamed on Bin Laden one hell of a guy this little guy out smarted everyone and did it from a cave 9,000 miles away...

He not only fooled everyone but had fema go to New York the night before 911 and had Norad stand down and had all the so called terrorist train in our military installation but, yet non of the so called terrorist names were on the manifesto of any of the planes...

FBI never came forward to say the 8 of the so called terrorist are alive and well and have proven they had nothing to do with 911 did the FBI tell the public of course not it would blow a hole in there lie who and why 911 happened...

Bush the nazi sympathizer want the people the bush boot licker that they did it because they hate our freedoms and they want to come here and kill us all only the dumbed down ignorant bush boot lickers would believe a crock of lies like that...

It’s time to wake up and realize you bee had scammed lied to big time and still lying I have always said they would pull another 911 but it would be a lot worst welcome to Katrina 911 number two...

Get ready for number three the big one that will make Katrina look like a Sunday outing and got caught in a storm...

This time it will be and earthquake somewhere in California close to a coast San Francisco it will kill tens of thousands then the plague will start but will hear of the plague before that I’m sure...

I sure as hell hope I’m wrong but from my research and top incredible people with knowledge believe we are in for one hell of a ride...

They are trying to keep the people confused as to really going on in this country like we are broke as a nation and it’s been getting worst and they have put billions in the stock market to keep it a float it’s a bubble about ready to burst along with the dollar it’s been dropping the euro keeps rising most of the good paying jobs are leaving being sent to China, India etc.

They fudge the real numbers for unemployment these rats will stoop to anything to stay in power that includes plundering our nation for all it’s worth just before 911 Rummy come out an says we can’t account for 2.3 trillion from the Pentagon they knew about 911 and they knew that would be buried in the 911 confusion when they said 2.3 trillion you damn well know it was more like double well they had to pay for 911 the pay off the murder and what ever it took they have getting away with so far...

But, the window is closing and the truth will out in the end people are starting to wake-up and see these scum the only reason they are beefing up the states is not because they fear terrorist are coming here no it’s because they know if the people ever find out the truth they will take the country apart not to mention the neo con nazi pigs in Washington they will revote against the corruption that has taken over and destroying America to mention other countries and the mass murdering of innocent people that are defending there country and bush calls them terrorist when in all accounts they are freedom fighters and don’t want to be occupied and have there 700 trillion dollars of oil stolen and they get nothing...

The phony war on terror has cost us 300 billion so far and no end in sight you bush boot lickers condone this because you think bush is doing this because of terrorist you people are pathetic...

Bush loves people like you, you’re dumbed down, drugged out, head up ass crowd that just don’t give a damn as long as you can get your next fix you ignorant damn fools deserve bush and his neo con nazi Jew Zionist pigs...