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> The Great New Orleans Land Grab-The 17th Street Canal levee was breached on purpose

14 October 2005, 23:37

I think this is so rediculous. I can not believe that anyone would really think this. If the whites were trying to "purge" the city of blacks don’t you think they would have protected the area by the 17th Street Canal. It is primarily upper class whites that live in that area. It is not the whites fault so to say that some blacks are poor, it is their own fault for not getting up and making something for themselves. It is as if instead of doing something to better yourself you choose to let the Governament take care of you and blame your unhappiness on everyone else. Stop trying to blame what happened on everyone and start thinking realistically, it was a hurricane...a natural disaster. That is what broke the levee and nothing more....get over it.