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New Orleans was a test ... thats why it took so long to act ... they were planning how to sieze land, displace blacks, and lie to everbody to cover it up...

26 November 2005, 06:58

Yes FEMA was run by a show horse dude. WOW, what a responsible appointment that was. I guess the only real disaster would be if I can’t get my horses to each show on time... But poor black folk get a lesson in what the US government administration, and its aweful administration of a needed organization like FEMA is clear. If your not already a liar, death dealing neo-CON with a smile on your face and a thumb up your boo-boo, and a check book for pay-offs then well you must be a real human being, BECAUSE this vegtable additives and plant food sure ain’t getting it done. In fact a lOOser like you likes to get that nose all filled with that brown aromatic fragrance from the perfume counter at mind controlled followers are US.

And as far as proof fruit-cake BOY just look at any of the actual reliable economic indicators that are all around you.. like
1. Walk down to the mall and ask any business owner HOWS IT GOING?
2. Call you local city and ask about business licenses, permits, and bankRUPCIES... WONDERbread...
3. And check out the classified in the dead NEWSPAPER business.. (There is A GOD and he does love MUSLIMS)
4. And finally check the MEDIA on TV... Does ANY OF IT have relavence to REALITY... ????

Yes a SiisyB-SuperPSY-OP-JerkerCIA-PetPlant like you to can learn to read with the evil-N-WOOD-brain SPED reading course... It will teach you to follow orders, eat donuts, and of course lick all the chocolate frosting for your country...

And a one more thing this is all a joke.... JUST like the face your Y cromosome donnor gave you... hahahahaha!!!
Oh and don’t forget to rienforce that positive self image... Before you flush look down at what others are reminded of when they speak your name.

All the best and take care.. NUT job. Just KIDDING its all in FUN!! We really love you...

no we really do care... about U... your boss cares about you right...???